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I Saw With My Own Eyes What the Bible Says!

Pepo Devidze

I Saw With My Own Eyes What the Bible Says!
  • BORN 1976

  • BAPTIZED 1993

  • PROFILE She was brought up in the Georgian Orthodox Church and strictly observed its traditions. After learning Bible truth, she worked at Bethel with her husband. Currently they serve as special pioneers.

I FIRST heard about the Witnesses when I was a college student in the city of Kutaisi. A neighbor told me that the Witnesses do not use icons in their worship and do not believe that Jesus is Almighty God. This contradicted beliefs I cherished as an Orthodox Christian.

When I returned to my hometown, Tsageri, in the summer of 1992, I found out that the Witnesses were active there too. My mother had heard many positive things about the Witnesses. Because I still had a negative view of them, she told me, “Go and see for yourself what they teach.”

Two pioneer brothers, Pavle and Paata, regularly visited a family in our neighborhood. Many neighbors took advantage of their visits to listen to them and ask questions. So I decided to attend those discussions. Each time I raised a question, the brothers opened the Bible and asked me to read in it. That made a big impression on me—I saw with my own eyes what the Bible says!

I soon joined a group with whom the brothers were studying the Bible. The following summer, ten of us got baptized. Later, my mom also became one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Looking back, I am grateful that the brothers answered all my questions by letting me read the answers from the Bible. This helped me to resolve the inner conflict I faced as my own beliefs were challenged. Remembering how much opening the Bible this way helped me, I use this approach to help others appreciate the truth!