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Role Model—Timothy

Role Model—Timothy

Role Model​—Timothy

Timothy is about to leave home​—not to run away from his family but to become a missionary companion of the apostle Paul! Possibly in his late teens, Timothy is already a responsible young man who has been “well reported on by the brothers in Lystra and Iconium.” (Acts 16:2) Paul is confident that Timothy can accomplish great things in God’s service. And he does! In the years that follow, Timothy travels extensively, establishing congregations and building up the brotherhood. Timothy’s fine qualities endear him to Paul, who some 11 years later tells the Philippians: “I have no one else of a disposition like his who will genuinely care for the things pertaining to you.”​—Philippians 2:20.

Are you making yourself available to be used in God’s service? If you are, great blessings await you! Jehovah truly values young ones who “offer themselves willingly.” (Psalm 110:3) Furthermore, you can be assured that Jehovah God “is not unrighteous so as to forget your work.”​—Hebrews 6:10.