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Role Model—Asaph

Role Model—Asaph

Role Model​—Asaph

Asaph is going through a difficult time in his life. All around him he sees people breaking God’s laws and seemingly getting away with it! As a result, Asaph wonders if it’s worth putting forth the effort to please God. “Surely it is in vain that I have cleansed my heart and that I wash my hands in innocence itself,” he says. After giving the matter deep thought, though, Asaph changes his mind. He realizes that any enjoyment the wicked experience is only temporary. Asaph’s conclusion? “Besides you,” he tells Jehovah in song, “I do have no other delight on the earth.”​—Psalm 73:3, 13, 16, 25, 27.

Perhaps at times you have questioned the value of living by God’s standards. But be like Asaph, and look beneath the surface. Consider the situation of those who have disregarded Jehovah’s laws. Are they really at peace? Have they found some secret to happiness that those who are faithful to God have missed? After thinking the matter through, you’ll no doubt be moved to echo the words of Asaph: “The drawing near to God is good for me.”​—Psalm 73:28.