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July 15-21

PSALMS 63-65

July 15-21

Song 108 and Prayer | Opening Comments (1 min.)


1. “Your Loyal Love Is Better Than Life”

(10 min.)

A good relationship with God is more precious than life itself (Ps 63:3; w01 10/15 15-16 ¶17-18)

Meditating on Jehovah’s expressions of loyal love increases our appreciation for him (Ps 63:6; w19.12 28 ¶4; w15 10/15 24 ¶7)

Appreciation for God’s loyal love moves us to praise him joyfully (Ps 63:4, 5; w09 7/15 16 ¶6)

FAMILY WORSHIP IDEA: Discuss ways that Jehovah has shown loyal love to you.

2. Spiritual Gems

(10 min.)

  • Ps 64:3​—How does this verse motivate us to keep our speech positive? (w07 11/15 15 ¶6)

  • What spiritual gems from this week’s Bible reading would you like to share?

3. Bible Reading


4. Starting a Conversation

(2 min.) HOUSE TO HOUSE. The householder does not speak your language. (lmd lesson 3 point 4)

5. Starting a Conversation

(2 min.) INFORMAL WITNESSING. The conversation concludes before you can give a witness. (lmd lesson 2 point 4)

6. Starting a Conversation

(3 min.) PUBLIC WITNESSING. Find out what topic interests the person, and arrange to follow up. (lmd lesson 1 point 5)

7. Explaining Your Beliefs

(4 min.) Demonstration. ijwfq 51​—Theme: Why Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Speak With People Who Have Previously Said “I’m Not Interested”? (lmd lesson 4 point 3)


Song 154

8. How We Show Love to God

(15 min.) Discussion.

Jehovah is “abundant in loyal love.” (Ps 86:15) The expression “loyal love” refers to love motivated by commitment, integrity, loyalty, and deep attachment. Although Jehovah shows love to humans in general, “loyal love” describes the love that he has reserved for his servants, those who have a special relationship with him. (Ps 33:18; 63:3; Joh 3:16; Ac 14:17) We can demonstrate our appreciation for Jehovah’s loyal love by showing love to him in return. How? By obeying his commandments, including the command to “make disciples.”​—Mt 28:19; 1Jo 5:3.

Play the VIDEO Display Unfailing Love in the Ministry. Then ask the audience:

How will love motivate us to share the good news when

  • we are tired?

  • we meet with opposition?

  • we are going about our daily activities?

9. Congregation Bible Study

Concluding Comments (3 min.) | Song 79 and Prayer