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Compassion for All

One day a sister in New Zealand watched the video Have . . . Concern for One Another,” which discusses how Jehovah not only feels compassion but also shows it. (Isa. 63:7-9) She decided to apply what she learned by giving practical help. Later that day while grocery shopping, she met a homeless woman and offered to buy her a meal. The woman accepted. When the sister returned with the meal, she gave a brief witness, using the tract Will Suffering Ever End?

The woman broke down in tears. She explained that she had been raised as a Witness but left the truth many years ago. Recently, though, she had been praying to Jehovah for help to return to him. The sister gave the woman a Bible and made arrangements for a study. a

We can imitate Jehovah’s compassion for people, including our relatives and our brothers and sisters in the congregation. And we can show compassion by looking for opportunities to witness to others.

a To learn how to help inactive ones, see the article “Return to Me” in the June 2020 issue of The Watchtower.