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Helping the Needy

Helping the Needy

“He that is kindly in eye will be blessed, for he has given of his food to the lowly one.”​—PROVERBS 22:9.

A reason why some celebrate Christmas.

Because Jesus helped people who were poor, sick, and afflicted, some want to follow his example. They feel that the best time to do that may be Christmas, when charities often put forth extra effort to collect donations.

Why is it a challenge?

During the holidays, many people are preoccupied with shopping, entertaining, and visiting friends and family. All of this leaves them with little time, energy, or money to attend to the poor and needy, other than perhaps making a donation.

What Bible principles can help?

“Do not hold back good from those to whom it is owing, when it happens to be in the power of your hand to do it.” (Proverbs 3:27) The poor, the hungry, and the afflicted do not suffer only at Christmastime. If you perceive that someone needs help and it is within “the power of your hand” to assist, why wait for a holiday to act? Your kindness and compassionate actions will be blessed.

“Every first day of the week let each of you at his own house set something aside in store as he may be prospering.” (1 Corinthians 16:2) The apostle Paul gave that advice to early Christians who wanted to help the poor. Could you ‘set aside,’ or budget, some money that you can regularly give to individuals or to an organization that uses its funds wisely? In this way, you ensure that you care for the needy while still giving within your means.

“Do not forget the doing of good and the sharing of things with others, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” (Hebrews 13:16) Notice that besides “the sharing of things with others,” we must also remember “the doing of good,” or helpful acts. For example, wise parents train their children to help the elderly with everyday tasks; to encourage the sick by means of a card, a visit, or a phone call; and to take a personal interest in other children who are poor or suffer from a disability. As a result, children learn to be kind and generous year-round.

Wise parents train their children to help the elderly, the sick, and children who are disadvantaged. As a result, children learn to be kind and generous year-round