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Is Truth Important Anymore?

Is Truth Important Anymore?

 Does it seem to you that the line between true and false has become blurred? People now seem to be persuaded more by emotion and personal belief than by truth and facts. For example, the word “post-truth,” which was coined to describe this situation, has surged in use in recent times. a It well describes the entire world today, in which many believe that there is no such thing as truth.

 This viewpoint is not new. Some 2,000 years ago, Roman Governor Pontius Pilate cynically asked Jesus: “What is truth?” (John 18:38) Although Pilate did not wait for a response, his question was important. The Bible provides an answer that you may find satisfying, and it can help you find your way in this post-truth world.

Does truth even exist?

 Yes. The Bible uses the word “truth” to refer to what is factual as well as to what is morally right. It teaches that Jehovah b God is the Source of absolute truth, calling him “the God of truth.” (Psalm 31:5) The Bible contains the truth from God, and it compares that truth to light, as it can guide us through all the confusion in the world today.—Psalm 43:3; John 17:17.

How can you find the truth?

 God does not want us to accept the truth from the Bible blindly. Instead, he invites us to examine it by using our power of reason rather than by relying on our emotions. (Romans 12:1) He wants us to come to know and love him using our “whole mind,” and he encourages us to confirm the truth of what we learn from the Bible.—Matthew 22:37, 38; Acts 17:11.

Where did lying come from?

 The Bible says that lying started with God’s enemy, Satan the Devil, whom the Bible calls “the father of the lie.” (John 8:44) He lied about God to the first humans. (Genesis 3:1-6, 13, 17-19; 5:5) Since then, Satan has continued to spread lies and hide the truth about God.—Revelation 12:9.

Why is lying so common today?

 In our time, which the Bible calls “the last days,” Satan’s misleading influence on the world has grown. People commonly tell lies to mislead others and take advantage of them. (2 Timothy 3:1, 13) Falsehood also permeates most religions today. As the Bible foretold for our time, people “surround themselves with teachers to have their ears tickled,” choosing to “turn away from listening to the truth.”—2 Timothy 4:3, 4.

Why is truth important?

 Truth forms the basis for trust between people. Without trust, friendships and society break down. The Bible says that God wants our worship to be based on truth. It states: “Those worshipping [God] must worship with spirit and truth.” (John 4:24) To learn how truth from the Bible can help you identify religious falsehood and break free from it, read the series of articles entitled “Lies That Make God Seem Unlovable.”

Why does God want me to know the truth?

 God wants you to gain salvation, and you need to learn the truth about him to do that. (1 Timothy 2:4) If you learn God’s standards of right and wrong and live by them, you will gain his close friendship. (Psalm 15:1, 2) To help people learn the truth, God sent Jesus to the earth. God wants us to listen to the teachings of Jesus.—Matthew 17:5; John 18:37.

Will God ever eliminate lying?

 Yes. God hates it when people take advantage of others through deception. He has promised to rid the earth of those who are determined to keep on lying. (Psalm 5:6) When God does that, he will also fulfill his promise: “Truthful lips will endure forever.”—Proverbs 12:19.

a The Oxford Dictionaries declared “post-truth” to be the 2016 word of the year.

b Jehovah is the personal name of God. (Psalm 83:18) See the article “Who Is Jehovah?