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Inmates participate in a meeting using the revised edition of the New World Translation in Spanish


Bible Education Reaches Inmates During Pandemic

Bible Education Reaches Inmates During Pandemic

In the province of San Luis, Argentina, our brothers are hosting weekly meetings and conducting Bible studies virtually with inmates of a maximum-security prison. This virtual prison-witnessing arrangement is the first of its kind in Argentina.

For years, our brothers in San Luis have regularly visited the maximum-security prison in person to hold meetings and conduct Bible studies. However, since March 2020, when the country’s mandatory quarantine began, this arrangement was suspended. With the permission of the prison board, our brothers were able to continue their ministry in the prison through videoconferencing.

Impressed with the effect that our brothers’ visits have had on the prisoners, the prison director and his wife now also participate in the meetings. He comments: “These meetings are of great importance for the spiritual and emotional well-being of the prisoners during this period of social isolation. Also, it’s remarkable how the meetings contribute to creating a peaceful environment among them. Undoubtedly, Bible education helps us to fulfill our objective of transforming prisoners into useful members of society.”

A prisoner wrote a letter to the brothers who organize the prison ministry. He expressed: “On the days I leave the cell block to attend the meeting . . . the tiredness, problems, anguish, sadness, and the effects of confinement all vanish, and I am genuinely happy. Thank you very much.”

As the global pandemic continues, we are encouraged to know that our brothers are helping people to benefit from the Bible’s message.—Isaiah 48:17, 18.