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FEBRUARY 15, 2023

Public Witnessing Initiative at Multicultural Festival in Argentina

Public Witnessing Initiative at Multicultural Festival in Argentina

The 38th annual National Festival of Immigrant Communities took place in Rosario, Argentina, from November 11 to 21, 2022. More than one million visitors attended this event, which highlights the traditions and customs of the varied nationalities and ethnic groups found within the country. The Argentina branch organized a special witnessing initiative that featured our official website,, and provided Bible-based literature to those visiting the festival. Publications were made available in Argentinean Sign Language, Chinese, English, Guarani, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Quechua (Bolivia), and Spanish. Over 400 brothers and sisters participated.

The festival organizers permitted our brothers to set up literature carts in prominent locations throughout the grounds. One city official commented: “Each one of you is tidy in your appearance, and your conduct is exemplary.” A psychologist from Rosario approached a literature display and said: “I am very familiar with your publications, and I love them! I frequently use them with my patients.”

On November 14, 2022, the city of Rosario’s leading newspaper, La Capital, featured an article about the preaching initiative. The article included a link to and commented on the number of languages in which we provide information.

We rejoice to see our brothers and sisters in all parts of the earth taking advantage of every occasion to “bear thorough witness to the good news.”—Acts 20:24.