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“Nou Ja Jwenn Ansanm Épi Nou Ja Dakò”

“Nou Ja Jwenn Ansanm Épi Nou Ja Dakò”

Mannyè pwensipal konmité-a pwan on disizyon ki inifyé sé kongwigasyon-an

Chapit sala bazé asou Twavay 15:13-35

1, 2. (a) Ki gwo kwèsyon pwensipal konmité-a an pwèmyé syèk-la té ni pou wéponn? (b) Ki sa ki édé sé fwè-a fè an bon disizyon?

 SUSPENSE fills the air. The apostles and elders occupying this room in Jerusalem look at one another, sensing that they have reached a pivotal moment. The issue of circumcision has raised serious questions. Are Christians under the Mosaic Law? Is there to be any distinction between Jewish and Gentile Christians?

2 The men taking the lead have considered much evidence. They have in mind God’s prophetic Word as well as powerful firsthand testimony revealing Jehovah’s blessing. They have expressed themselves fully. The evidence that has mounted regarding the issue at hand is overwhelming. Jehovah’s spirit is clearly pointing the way. Will these men respond to that direction?

3. Ki sa nou kay apwann an wakont-la an Twavay chapit 15?

3 It will take real faith and courage to accept the spirit’s guidance in this case. They risk intensifying the hatred of the Jewish religious leaders. And they face resistance from men within the congregation who are determined to lead God’s people back to reliance on the Mosaic Law. What will the governing body do? Let us see. In the process, we will see how those men set a pattern that is followed by the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses today. It is a pattern that we too need to follow as we face decisions and challenges in our life as Christians.

“Sa Sé Pwòfèt-la Té Ékwi Dakò Épi Sa Byen” (Twavay 15:13-21)

4, 5. Pawòl kilès pwofèt Jémz sité pou édé sé fwè-a konpwann sijé-a yo té ka diskité-a pli byen?

4 The disciple James, the half brother of Jesus, spoke up. a It seems that on this occasion he was acting as chairman of the meeting. His words crystallized the consensus that the body as a whole appears to have reached. To the assembled men, James said: “Symeon has related thoroughly how God for the first time turned his attention to the nations to take out of them a people for his name. And with this the words of the Prophets agree.”​—Twav. 15:14, 15.

5 The speech by Symeon, or Simon Peter, and the evidence submitted by Barnabas and Paul probably brought to James’ mind pertinent scriptures that shed light on the subject under discussion. (Jan 14:26) After saying that “the words of the Prophets agree,” James quoted the words of Amos 9:11, 12. That book was listed in the part of the Hebrew Scriptures commonly called “the Prophets.” (Maf. 22:40; Twav. 15:16-18) You will note that the words quoted by James are somewhat different from those we find in the book of Amos today. It is likely that James quoted from the Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures.

6. Ki mannyè sèten vèwsé an Bib-la té édé sé fwè-a konnèt sa volonté Bondyé yé?

6 Through the prophet Amos, Jehovah foretold that the time would come when He would raise up “the booth of David,” that is, the royal line leading to the Messianic Kingdom. (Izik. 21:26, 27) Would Jehovah once again deal exclusively with fleshly Jews as a nation? No. The prophecy adds that “people of all the nations” would be brought together as “people who are called by [God’s] name.” Remember, Peter had just testified that God “made no distinction at all between us [Jewish Christians] and them [Gentile believers], but purified their hearts by faith.” (Twav. 15:9) In other words, it is God’s will that Jews and Gentiles alike be brought into the Kingdom as heirs. (Ronm 8:17; Èfés. 2:17-19) Nowhere did such inspired prophecies suggest that the Gentile believers must first be circumcised in the flesh or become proselytes.

7, 8. (a) Ki sa Jémz té di sé fwè-a? (b) Ki mannyè nou dwé konpwann sa Jémz té di?

7 Moved by such Scriptural evidence and the powerful testimony he had heard, James went on to offer these words for consideration: “Therefore, my decision is not to trouble those from the nations who are turning to God, but to write them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from what is strangled, and from blood. For from ancient times Moses has had those who preach him in city after city, because he is read aloud in the synagogues on every sabbath.”​—Twav. 15:19-21.

8 When James said “therefore my decision is,” was he asserting his authority​—perhaps as chairman of the meeting—​over the other brothers and arbitrarily deciding what was to be done? Not at all! The Greek expression rendered “my decision is” may also mean “I judge” or “I give an opinion.” Far from ruling over the entire body, James was proposing for their consideration a course of action based on the evidence heard and on what the Scriptures say about the matter.

9. Ès sa Jémz té di sé fwè-a pou fè-a té bon, èk pouki?

9 Was James’ proposal a good one? Obviously it was, for the apostles and the elders later adopted it. With what benefits? On the one hand, the recommended course would not “trouble,” or “make it difficult for,” Gentile Christians by imposing upon them the requirements of the Mosaic Law. (Twav. 15:19; New International Version) On the other hand, this decision would show respect for the conscience of Jewish Christians, who over the years had heard “Moses . . . read aloud in the synagogues on every sabbath.” b (Twav. 15:21) The recommended course would surely strengthen the bond between Jewish and Gentile Christians. Above all, it would please Jehovah God, reflecting his advancing purpose. What a fine way to resolve a problem that threatened the unity and well-being of the entire congregation of God’s people! And what an excellent example this is for the Christian congregation today!

Fwè Albert Schroeder lè i té ka bay an diskou adan yon konvansyon entònasyonnal an lanné 1998

10. Ki mannyè Pwensipal Konmité-a an tan nou ka swiv ègzanp pwensipal konmité-a an pwèmyé syèk-la?

10 As mentioned in the preceding chapter, like its first-century counterpart, the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses today looks to Jehovah, the Universal Sovereign, and Jesus Christ, the Head of the congregation, for direction in all matters. c (1 Kòr. 11:3) How is this done? Albert D. Schroeder, who served on the Governing Body from 1974 until he finished his earthly course in March 2006, explained: “The Governing Body meets on Wednesday, opening the meeting with prayer and asking for the direction of Jehovah’s spirit. A real effort is made to see that every matter that is handled and every decision that is made is in harmony with God’s Word the Bible.” Similarly, Milton G. Henschel, a longtime member of the Governing Body who finished his earthly course in March 2003, presented a fundamental question to the graduating students of the 101st class of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead. He asked, “Is there another organization on earth whose Governing Body consults God’s Word, the Bible, before making important decisions?” The answer is obvious.

Yo “Chwazi Déotwa Nonm . . . Épi [Yo] Voyé Yo Alé” (Twavay 15:22-29)

11. Ki mannyè pwensipal konmité-a fè sé kongwigasyon-an konnèt disizyon-an yo té pwan-an?

11 The governing body in Jerusalem had reached a unanimous decision on the issue of circumcision. For the brothers in the congregations to act in unity, however, that decision had to be communicated to them clearly and in a positive, encouraging way. How could this best be done? The account explains: “The apostles and the elders, together with the whole congregation, decided to send chosen men from among them to Antioch, along with Paul and Barnabas; they sent Judas who was called Barsabbas and Silas, who were leading men among the brothers.” In addition, a letter was prepared and sent along with these men so that it could be read in all the congregations in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia.​—Twav. 15:22-26.

12, 13. (a) Pouki’y té bon pou pwensipal konmité-a voyé Jida èvèk Saylas wépwézanté yo? (b) Pouki’y té bon pou pwensipal konmité-a voyé yon lèt pou sé kongwigasyon-an?

12 As “leading men among the brothers,” Judas and Silas were fully qualified to act as representatives of the governing body. The delegation of four men would make it clear that the message they brought was, not simply a reply to the original inquiry, but the express direction of the governing body. The presence of these “chosen men” would forge a close bond between the Jewish Christians in Jerusalem and the Gentile Christians in the field. What a wise and loving arrangement! It no doubt promoted peace and harmony among God’s people.

13 The letter provided clear direction for Gentile Christians not only regarding the circumcision issue but also regarding what they must do in order to receive Jehovah’s favor and blessing. The key part of the letter stated: “The holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you except these necessary things: to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from what is strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!”​—Twav. 15:28, 29.

14. Jan latè divizé toubonnman, mé pèp Jéhova ka twavay an lilyon. Ki mannyè lilyon sa posib?

14 Today, harmony of belief and unity of action prevail among Jehovah’s Witnesses, who total well over 8,000,000 in more than 100,000 congregations around the earth. How is such unity possible, especially in view of the turmoil and divisive thinking prevalent in today’s world? Principally, unity results from the clear and decisive direction that Jesus Christ, the Head of the congregation, provides through “the faithful and discreet slave,” that is, the Governing Body. (Maf. 24:45-47) Unity also results from the way the worldwide brotherhood cooperates willingly with the direction of the Governing Body.

“Yo Té Kontan [Ankouwajman-an] An Chay” (Twavay 15:30-35)

15, 16. (a) Lè sé kongwigasyon-an té apwann disizyon-an pwensipal konmité-a pwan, ki mannyè yo wéyaji? (b) Pou ki sa sé fwè èk sè-a aksèpté disizyon pwensipal konmité-a otan byen?

15 The account in Acts goes on to tell us that when the delegation of brothers from Jerusalem reached Antioch, “they gathered the whole group together and handed them the letter.” How did the brothers there react to the direction from the governing body? “After reading [the letter], they rejoiced over the encouragement.” (Twav. 15:30, 31) In addition, Judas and Silas “encouraged the brothers with many talks and strengthened them.” In that sense, the two men were “prophets,” much as Barnabas, Paul, and others were called prophets​—a term referring to those who declared or made known God’s will.​—Twav. 13:1; 15:32; Ègz. 7:1, 2.

16 Jehovah’s blessing was clearly upon the entire arrangement, bringing the issue to a happy resolution. What was the key to the positive outcome? Unquestionably, it was the governing body’s clear and timely direction, based on God’s Word and on the guidance of the holy spirit. Added to that was the loving, personal way in which the decisions were communicated to the congregations.

17. Jòdi jou, ki mannyè sé ansyen-an pou sékyout-la ka fè menm kon Pòl, Bannabas, Jida, èvèk Saylas?

17 Following that pattern, the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses today provides timely direction to the worldwide brotherhood. When decisions are made, they are communicated to the congregations in a clear and direct manner. One way is by visits of circuit overseers. These self-sacrificing brothers travel from one congregation to another, providing clear direction and warm encouragement. Like Paul and Barnabas, they spend much time in the ministry, “teaching and declaring, along with many others, the good news of the word of Jehovah.” (Twav. 15:35) Like Judas and Silas, they encourage “the brothers with many talks” and strengthen them.

18. Ki sa pèp Jéhova sipozé fè pou’y kontiné benni yo?

18 What about the congregations? What will enable the congregations throughout the earth to continue to enjoy peace and harmony in today’s divisive world? Recall that it was the disciple James who later wrote: “The wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peaceable, reasonable, ready to obey . . . Moreover, the fruit of righteousness is sown in peaceful conditions for those who are making peace.” (Jémz 3:17, 18) Whether James had the meeting in Jerusalem in mind or not, we have no way of telling. But from our consideration of the events recorded in Acts chapter 15, it is certain that only when there is unity and cooperation can there be Jehovah’s blessing.

19, 20. (a) Apwé kongwigasyon-an an vil Antiyòk wisivwè disizyon pwensipal konmité-a, sa inifyé yo. Ki mannyè nou sav sa? (b) Ki sa Pòl èvèk Bannabas té sa fiksé asou apwézan?

19 That peace and unity now existed in the Antioch congregation was clearly evident. Rather than contending with the brothers from Jerusalem, the brothers in Antioch treasured the visit of Judas and Silas. The account states: “After they had spent some time there, they were sent off in peace by the brothers to those who had sent them,” that is, back to Jerusalem. d (Twav. 15:33) We can be sure that the brothers in Jerusalem also rejoiced when they heard what the two men had to say about their journey. Thanks to Jehovah’s undeserved kindness, their mission was happily accomplished!

20 Paul and Barnabas, who remained in Antioch, could now focus their efforts on taking a strong lead in the evangelizing work, much as circuit overseers today do when they visit the congregations under their care. (Twav. 13:2, 3) What a blessing for Jehovah’s people! How, though, did Jehovah further use and bless these two zealous evangelizers? This we shall see in the next chapter.

An tan jòdi, Kwityen ka twapé an chay bennéfis an tout sa Pwensipal Konmité-a èk wépwézantatif yo potjiwé.


b James wisely referred to the writings of Moses, which included not only the Law code but also a record of God’s dealings and indications of His will that predated the Law. For example, God’s view of blood, adultery, and idolatry can be plainly seen in Genesis. (Jen. 9:3, 4; 20:2-9; 35:2, 4) Jehovah thus revealed principles that are binding on all of mankind, whether Jew or Gentile.

d In verse 34, some Bible translations insert words to the effect that Silas chose to remain in Antioch. (King James Version) However, such words appear to be later additions.