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The Bible’s Historical Accuracy

Bible Lands and Places

The Fall of Nineveh

When the Assyrian Empire reached its greatest heights, God’s prophet foretold something unexpected.

People of the Bible

Did You Know?​—March 2020

What evidence exists outside the Bible that the Israelites were slaves in Egypt?

Did You Know?​—February 2020

How does archaeology confirm the role of Belshazzar of Babylon?

Did John the Baptist Really Exist?

The first-century historian Josephus viewed John the Baptist as a real person. So can we.

Does the Bible Contain an Accurate Record of Jesus’ Life?

Consider facts about the Gospel accounts and the oldest known manuscripts.

Bible Events

The Story of Noah and the Great Flood​—Is It Just a Myth?

The Bible says that God once caused a great flood to destroy wicked people. What facts does the Bible present to support its claim of divine origin?

Did You Know?​—June 2022

Would the Romans permit a normal burial for someone, such as Jesus, whom they had executed on the stake?

Life in Bible Times

The Type of Vehicle Used by the Ethiopian Eunuch

What type of vehicle was the Ethiopian eunuch riding in when Philip approached him?

Questions From Readers​—October 2023

Did the Israelites have anything to eat in the wilderness besides manna and quail?

Ancient Brickmaking Supports the Bible Record

How do bricks and brickmaking methods discovered among the ruins of ancient Babylon support the Bible record?

Did You Know?​—June 2022

How were years and months determined in Bible times?