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Physical and Mental Health

Healthy Living

Disease​—How to Reduce the Risk

Every day your body wages war against enemies that are silent and unseen but potentially deadly.

Make Life Better​—Emotional Health

We benefit when we develop the strength to control our emotions.

The Way of Happiness​—Physical Health and Resilience

Does ill health doom a person’s happiness?

Protect Yourself From Misinformation

Misleading news, false reports, and conspiracy theories abound and may even cause you harm.

How Can I Lose Weight?

If you need to lose weight, don’t think in terms of following a diet but of adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Young People Talk About Healthy Lifestyles

Do you find it hard to eat right and exercise? In this clip young people share what they do to stay healthy.

Make Life Better​—Physical Health

Bible principles encourage us to do what we can to care for our life physically.

Coping With Illness

How to Deal With a Sudden Health Problem

What practical information in the Bible can help you if your health unexpectedly worsens?

Living With Chronic Illness—Can the Bible Help?

Yes! Learn three steps that can help you to cope with chronic illness.

How to Help Those With Mental Health Challenges

Offering your support can make a difference for a friend suffering with mental illness.

Is Life Worth Living When You Have a Serious Illness?

Learn how some coped when they had a serious illness.

Coping With Disabilities

Living by Touch

James Ryan was born deaf and later became blind. What has given him a real purpose in life?

Braille Bible—“Without It, I Would Feel Lost”

Hear the experience of a blind man who has benefited from having the Bible in braille.


What Does the Bible Say About Caregiving for Elderly Parents?

The Bible provides examples of men and women of faith who did so. It also offers practical advice that can help caregivers.

What if My Parent Is Sick?

You are not the only young person to face such a situation. Learn what helped two others to cope.

Diseases and Conditions

Virus Outbreaks—What You Can Do

How can you cope physically, emotionally, and spiritually when a virus outbreak affects you?


Why Go On?

What can make a person view death as a friend?

When Life Seems Unbearable

Life is worth living despite any adversity.

Teen Depression​—Why? What Can Help?

Learn to recognize the signs, symptoms, and possible causes. See what parents and others can do to help.

How Can I Avoid Negative Thinking?

You can learn to cultivate positive thinking by following these suggestions.

Disturbing Decline in Teen Mental Health—What Does the Bible Say?

The Bible offers practical help for teens facing mental distress.

How Can I Deal With Depression?

These coping strategies can help you take the necessary steps toward healing.

Can the Bible Help Me if I’m Depressed?

There are three things God gives generously to help with feelings of depression.

How Can the Bible Help Those With Suicidal Thoughts?

What practical advice does the Bible give to someone who wants to die?

Anxiety and Stress

How to Control Worry

What practical tips and Bible verses can help you to allay undue worry?

Anxiety in Men​—How the Bible Can Help

Anxiety is a growing problem in these critical times. If you are dealing with anxiety, can the Bible help you?

How to Deal With Isolation

When you feel isolated, finding hope, happiness, and satisfaction can seem impossible​—it’s not.

How to Beat Pandemic Fatigue

If we do not battle it, we may gradually begin to lose our motivation to follow COVID-safe practices.

How to Deal With Stress

Review some practical principles that can help you to deal better with stress and perhaps even reduce it.

How Can I Deal With Anxiety?

Five tips can help you make anxiety work for you rather than against you.

When Your Teenage Daughter Is Stressed Out

Many teenage girls feel overwhelmed by the changes they are experiencing. How can parents help them to cope with the stress?

Medical Care

Can a Christian Accept Medical Treatment?

Does it matter to God what medical treatments we choose?