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Developing Friendships

Make Life Better​—Family Life and Friendships

Successful relationships are more about giving than about receiving.

What’s a Real Friend?

Fake friends are easy to come by, but how can you find a true friend?


Why Don’t I Have Any Friends?

You’re not the only one to feel lonely and friendless. Find out how others your age counteract these feelings.

What if I Don’t Fit In?

Is it more important to fit in with people with questionable values, or to stay true to who you are?

Digital Communication

How to Leave Work “at Work”

Five tips that can help you keep your job from intruding on your marriage.

How to Keep Technology in Its Place

The use of technology can either benefit your marriage or undermine it. How is it affecting your marriage?

Be Social-Network Smart

Have fun and keep safe when you connect with your friends online.


Am I Ready to Date?

Five points to help you determine if you’re ready for dating and marriage.

Is Flirting Harmless Fun?

Exactly what is flirting? Why do some people do it? Are there any dangers?

What Should I Expect When Dating?

Three common things to consider as your relationship moves forward.

Is It Love or Infatuation?

Learn the meaning of infatuation and real love.

What Does the Bible Say About Living Together Without Marriage?

God’s instructions tell us how to build successful family relationships, and his standards always benefit those who follow them.

Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Have Rules About Dating?

Is dating just a form of recreation or something more?

Settling Differences

Why Should I Apologize?

Check out three good reasons to say ‘I’m sorry,’ even if you feel that you aren’t entirely in the wrong.

What Does the Bible Say About Anger?

Is anger ever justified? What should you do when it starts to build?

What Is Forgiveness?

The Bible provides five steps that can help you to forgive someone.

How to Forgive

Why can it be so hard to forgive? See how the Bible’s advice can help.

The Way of Happiness​—Forgiveness

A life filled with anger and resentment is neither happy nor healthy.

Prejudice and Discrimination

What Is Prejudice?

Prejudice has infected people throughout history. Learn from the Bible how to ensure that it doesn’t take root in your heart.

Prejudice​—Are You Infected?

What are some telltale signs that we might be prejudiced?

Tolerance—How the Bible Can Help

These scriptures show how the Bible promotes peace and respect for all people.

How to Break the Cycle of Hatred​—Be Impartial

Root out negative feelings toward others by imitating God’s impartiality.

Prejudice​—Expand Your Circle of Friends

See the benefits of having friends who aren’t just like you.

Is Racial Equality Only a Dream?—What Does the Bible Say?

Millions of people are learning from the Bible how to treat others with respect and dignity.

Can Love Conquer Hatred?

Overcoming prejudice can be difficult. See how a Jew and a Palestinian were able to do so successfully.

I Wanted to Fight Injustice

Rafika joined a revolutionary group to fight social injustice. But she found the Bible’s promise of peace and justice under God’s Kingdom.