
If you have a smartphone or other electronic devices, you might be “on” for more hours than you realize. How can you keep technology under control?

Electronic Devices

My Electronic Games

This worksheet can help you fine-tune your personal rating system.

Video Games: Are You Really Winning?

Video games can be fun, but they also bring some risks. How can you avoid the pitfalls and be a real winner?

Who’s in Control​—You or Your Devices?

You live in a wired world, but technology does not have to control you. How can you tell if you are addicted to your device? If there’s a problem, how can you take back control?

What Young People Say About Cell Phones

For many teenagers, a cell phone is their social lifeline. What are the pros and cons of having one?

Social Media

Be Social-Network Smart

Have fun and keep safe when you connect with your friends online.

How Important Is Online Popularity?

Some people risk their lives just to get more followers and likes. Is online popularity worth it?

How Is Social Media Affecting Me?

Social media is addictive. These suggestions can help you stay in control.

Photo Sharing and Your Reputation

See how to be aware before you share.

What if I’m Being Cyberbullied?

What you should know, and what you can do to protect yourself.

How to Silence a Cyberbully

This worksheet will help you to weigh the pros and cons of several options and to create an action plan to silence the bully.

Hidden Dangers

How Can I Learn to Focus?

Consider three situations where technology might interfere with your concentration and what you can do to improve focus.

Protect Yourself From Misinformation

Don’t believe everything you hear or read. Learn how to evaluate information to weed out lies.