Why Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Speak With People Who Have Previously Said “I’m Not Interested”?

Why Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Speak With People Who Have Previously Said “I’m Not Interested”?

 Jehovah’s Witnesses, motivated by love for God and love of neighbor, enjoy sharing the Bible’s message with all people, including those who have previously said “I’m not interested.” (Matthew 22:37-​39) Love for God moves us to obey his Son’s command “to give a thorough witness.” (Acts 10:42; 1 John 5:3) To do this, we bring God’s message more than once, just as God’s ancient prophets did. (Jeremiah 25:4) Because we love our neighbors, we try to share the lifesaving “good news of the Kingdom” with all, including those who at first were not interested in it.​—Matthew 24:14.

 We often find interest when we return to homes where we found no interest before. Consider three reasons:

  •   People move.

  •   Others in the home show interest in our message.

  •   People change. World events or personal circumstances cause some to become more “conscious of their spiritual need” and to take an interest in the Bible’s message. (Matthew 5:3) Even those who are opposed can have a change of heart, as did the apostle Paul.​—1 Timothy 1:​13.

 Nevertheless, we do not force our message on anyone. (1 Peter 3:​15) We believe that each person must make his own decision in the matter of worship.​—Deuteronomy 30:19, 20.