The Good News According to Matthew
Outline of Contents
The sower (1-9)
Why Jesus used illustrations (10-17)
Illustration of the sower explained (18-23)
The wheat and the weeds (24-30)
The mustard grain and the leaven (31-33)
Use of illustrations fulfills prophecy (34, 35)
Illustration of the wheat and the weeds explained (36-43)
Hidden treasure and the fine pearl (44-46)
The dragnet (47-50)
Treasures new and old (51, 52)
Jesus rejected in home territory (53-58)
Priests plot to kill Jesus (1-5)
Perfumed oil poured on Jesus (6-13)
The last Passover and betrayal (14-25)
Institution of the Lord’s Evening Meal (26-30)
Peter’s denial foretold (31-35)
Jesus prays in Gethsemane (36-46)
Jesus arrested (47-56)
Trial before the Sanhedrin (57-68)
Peter denies Jesus (69-75)