Psalms 76:1-12

  • God’s triumph over Zion’s enemies

    • God saves the meek (9)

    • Proud enemies to be humbled (12)

To the director; to be accompanied with stringed instruments. A melody of Aʹsaph.+ A song. 76  God is known in Judah;+In Israel his name is great.+   His shelter is in Saʹlem,+And his dwelling is in Zion.+   There he broke the flaming arrows of the bow,The shield and the sword and the weapons of war.+ (Selah)   You shine brightly;*You are more majestic than the mountains of prey.   The courageous of heart have been plundered.+ They have fallen asleep;The warriors were all helpless.+   From your rebuke, O God of Jacob,Both the charioteer and the horse have fallen fast asleep.+   You alone are awe-inspiring.+ Who can withstand your intense anger?+   From heaven you pronounced judgment;+The earth was afraid and was silent+   When God rose up to execute judgment,To save all the meek of the earth.+ (Selah) 10  For the rage of man will serve to your praise;+With the remnants of their rage you will adorn yourself. 11  Make your vows to Jehovah your God and pay them,+Let all who are around him bring their gift in fear.+ 12  He will humble the pride* of leaders;He inspires fear in the kings of the earth.


Or “You are enveloped with light.”
Lit., “spirit.”