Manner of Signing

Manner of Signing

What do you need to do?

Improve your overall presentation, not by imitating someone else, but by giving attention to your own manner of signing. This includes proper facial expressions, fluid movement, and relaxed muscles.

Why is it important?

When you are giving a talk, you should feel comfortable, and your signs should flow naturally. You should use appropriate facial expressions and body movement. This will result in a signing quality that is unique to you. A calm presentation helps others to relax and listen to you with pleasure. If your signing is halting, stilted, or otherwise unnatural, this may interfere with good communication and frustrate both the speaker and the audience.

1 PEOPLE are greatly influenced not only by what is said but also by how it is said. If a person has a signing quality that is pleasant, warm, friendly, and kind, is it not true that you are more inclined to listen favorably than if his signing is rigid or robotic?

2 Developing a desirable manner of signing is not altogether a matter of mechanics. It also involves one’s personality. As a person progresses in his knowledge and application of Bible truth, changes become evident in the way he communicates. Such godly qualities as love, joy, and kindness are reflected in the way he signs. (Gal. 5:22, 23) When he feels genuine concern for others, his face and manner show it. When gratitude replaces a spirit of chronic complaint, both the signs used and the manner of signing give evidence of it. (Lam. 3:39-42; 1 Tim. 1:12; Jude 16) Even when you do not understand the language being used, if one person appears arrogant, intolerant, critical, and harsh and another person appears humble, patient, kind, and loving, it is not difficult for you to tell the difference.

3 In some cases, a physical condition may have an adverse impact on facial expressions, hand configurations, or movement. Such conditions may be so severe that they will not be completely corrected in this system of things. Usually, however, learning to compensate by using all aspects of sign language properly can result in clear communication.

4 At the outset it is important to appreciate that signing style varies from one person to another. Although you may initially imitate the styles of native signers, your objective should not be to develop a signing style that imitates that of someone else. Rather, cultivate the potential of your own signing, with its distinctive qualities. What can help you to do this?

5 As you watch other speakers, no doubt you will see individuals who possess desirable qualities that you wish to imitate. (Hebrews 13:7) However, this does not necessarily mean that you should imitate their style of signing or mannerisms. Your doing so could even prove distracting to your audience. So be patient. Allow your feelings for the truth and your relationship with Jehovah, along with your own personality and signing abilities, to define your presentation. This will result in a unique signing style that is all your own. By all means, be yourself!

6 Be careful to avoid exaggeration in your signing. You may need to be more demonstrative at times to help someone who is struggling to understand a concept. Or perhaps you may use a hyperbole, as Jesus did. But exaggeration should be used with discretion. Why? Because you might appear condescending to your audience. If your signing is so exaggerated that it appears unrealistic, or even clownish, it can also detract from a significant point.

7 For example, suppose you want to stress the importance of avoiding a complaining attitude about the elders. If you overdramatize the negative attitude, perhaps by throwing your hands in the air or overtly rolling your eyes, some in your audience may feel that the counsel does not apply to them, since they do not act in that manner. However, in reality, they may be struggling with such feelings. How much better to portray things in a realistic manner! Then anyone who struggles with this attitude, whether openly or internally, will recognize the need to apply the counsel.

8 Fluid Movement. Communicating in sign language involves more than signing individual words correctly and in the right sequence. In addition to the need to develop fluency as discussed in Study 4 and naturalness as discussed in Study 14, it is important to consider how you transition from one sign to the next.

9 For a comfortable signing style, avoid sudden or abrupt movements in general. Also avoid signing in a laborious or mechanical way. Try not to overly prolong your signs, hesitate, or allow your hands to drop between signs. If you are nervous, your hands may shake, your shoulders may be tensed and tight, and your movements may be constricted to a small signing space. However, it is important to overcome these tendencies as you develop your signing style. How can you do so?

10 First, keep in mind that transitions between signs are critical to conveying the proper meaning. Next, take note of how those fluent in the language transition from one sign to the next with fluid movement in their talks and in casual conversation. Practice your own transitions in a comfortable environment, such as when communicating with your friends and family. Focus on transitioning smoothly from one sign to the next, focusing on the entire message rather than individual signs. You will eventually learn to communicate with ease and will develop your own signing style.

11 Relax Tense Muscles. Another essential for good signing quality is this​—relax! It is really amazing what improvement you can make by learning to relax when signing. The mind as well as the body must be relaxed, for mental tension causes muscular tension.

12 Relax mental tension by getting the right view of your listeners. If these are people that you meet in the field ministry, remember that even if you have studied the Bible for only a few months, you know valuable things about Jehovah’s purpose that you can share with them. And you are calling on them because they need help, whether they realize it or not. On the other hand, if you are speaking in a Kingdom Hall, most of those in your audience are Jehovah’s people. They are your friends, and they want you to succeed. No people on earth face such a friendly and loving audience as we regularly do.

13 Relax by focusing your mind on your muscles and consciously making them less tense. Relax your entire body​—your knees, your hands, your shoulders, and your neck.


Cultivate the qualities of a Christian personality.

Focus on fluid movement between signs.

When signing, relax your muscles​—your arms, hands, face, neck, shoulders, entire body.

EXERCISES: Practice signing Kingdom songs to help with fluid movement.