Introduction to Section 13

Introduction to Section 13

Jesus came to earth to give his life for imperfect people. Even though he died, he conquered the world. Jehovah was loyal to his Son and brought him back to life. Right up until his death, Jesus humbly served others and forgave them when they made mistakes. After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples. He taught them how to do the important work he had given them to do. If you are a parent, help your child to appreciate that we have a part in this same work today.


Jesus’ Last Supper

Jesus gives important instructions to his apostles during their last meal together.

Jesus Is Arrested

Judas Iscariot leads a large mob armed with swords and clubs so that they can arrest Jesus.

Peter Denies Jesus

What happens in the courtyard of the house of Caiaphas? And what happens to Jesus inside the house?

Jesus Dies at Golgotha

Why does Pilate order that Jesus be killed?

Jesus Is Resurrected

What amazing things happen in the days after Jesus is killed?

Jesus Appears to the Fishermen

What does he do to get their attention?

Jesus Returns to Heaven

Before doing so, however, he gives his disciples some very important instructions.