Introduction to Section 4
A Slave Who Obeyed God
Joseph did what was right, but still suffered terribly. Why?
Jehovah Never Forgot Joseph
Even though Joseph was far from his family, God proved that he was with him.
Who Was Job?
He obeyed Jehovah even when it was hard.
Moses Chose to Worship Jehovah
As a baby, Moses was saved by his mother’s ingenious plan.
The Burning Bush
Why did the fire not burn up the bush?
The First Three Plagues
Pharaoh brought disaster on his people because he was too proud to take one simple action.
The Next Six Plagues
How did these plagues differ from the first three?
The Tenth Plague
This plague was so devastating that even proud Pharaoh finally gave in.
The Miracle at the Red Sea
Pharaoh came through the ten plagues, but did he survive this miracle of God?