How Does Association With Fellow Christians Benefit Us?

How Does Association With Fellow Christians Benefit Us?





Even if we have to trek through dense jungle or brave harsh weather, we regularly attend our Christian meetings. Despite challenges of life and tiredness after a day’s work, why do Jehovah’s Witnesses make such an effort to associate with fellow believers?

It is good for our well-being. “Consider one another,” wrote Paul, speaking of those with whom we associate in the congregation. (Hebrews 10:24) This expression means “to think about carefully,” that is, to get to know one another. So the apostle’s words encourage us to be concerned about others. By getting to know other Christian families, we discover that some of them have successfully overcome challenges similar to our own and that they can help us to succeed as well.

It builds lasting friendships. At our meetings, we gather together, not with mere acquaintances, but with a group of close friends. On other occasions, we spend time together in wholesome recreation. What beneficial effect does such association have? We learn to appreciate one another more, and that strengthens our bonds of love. Then, when our companions are facing problems, we readily help them because strong friendships have been established. (Proverbs 17:17) By associating with all members of our congregation, we show that we “have mutual concern for one another.”1 Corinthians 12:25, 26.

We encourage you to choose as your friends those who are doing God’s will. You will find such friends among Jehovah’s Witnesses. Please do not let anything hold you back from associating with us.

  • Why is it in our best interests to associate together at the meetings?

  • When would you like to get acquainted with our congregation?