“Come Be My Follower”

The purpose of this book is not to give a complete summary of the life and ministry of Jesus, but to help us see more clearly how to follow him.


It is our earnest desire that you grow in your love for Jesus and follow him more closely so that you may bring joy to Jehovah’s heart now and forever.


“Be My Follower”—What Did Jesus Mean?

Being a true follower of Jesus involves more than words or feelings.


“The Way and the Truth and the Life”

Approach to the Father is possible only through the Son. Jesus has been given a vital role in the outworking of God’s universal purpose.


“I Am . . . Lowly in Heart”

From beginning to end, Jesus’ earthly ministry was marked by humility.


“Look! The Lion That Is of the Tribe of Judah”

Jesus displayed lionlike courage in three ways: in standing up for the truth, in upholding justice, and in facing opposition.


“All the Treasures of Wisdom”

Jesus showed superlative wisdom not only in word but also in deed.


“He Learned Obedience”

Since Jesus was perfectly obedient to his Father, how can it be said that Jesus “learned obedience” and was “made perfect”?


“Consider Closely the One Who Has Endured”

Jesus had a flawless record of endurance. What enabled him to endure? How can we follow his example of endurance?


“For This I Was Sent Forth”

Consider why Jesus preached, what he preached, and what his attitude toward his assignment was while he was here on earth.


“Go . . . and Make Disciples”

Jesus’ commission to make disciples lies at the very heart of what it means to be a genuine follower of Christ.


“It Is Written”

Quoting from God’s Word, defending it, and explaining it are keys to imitating Jesus’ way of sharing the truth.


“Never Has Another Man Spoken Like This”

Consider three of the teaching methods Jesus used and how we can imitate them.


“Without an Illustration He Would Not Speak to Them”

The Bible gives two important reasons why Jesus used illustrations.


“I Love the Father”

How can we imitate Jesus in developing strong love for Jehovah?


“Great Crowds Approached Him”

Great numbers of people, including children, did not hesitate to approach Jesus. What made Jesus so approachable?


“Moved With Pity”

Why is it important that we follow Jesus’ example in showing mercy to others?


“Jesus . . . Loved Them to the End”

Throughout his ministry, Jesus gave proof of his love for his disciples. How can we imitate that love in our dealings with others?


“No One Has Love Greater Than This”

How we can follow Jesus’ example of self-sacrificing love?


“Continue Following Me”

If we continue to follow Jesus day by day, we can enjoy the blessings of a clean conscience and a bright hope for the future.