

Dear Reader:

“Come be my follower.” (Mark 10:21) With those words, Jesus Christ, in effect, beckons us to follow him. Are you responding to his call? Doing so will have a profound influence on your life. Why?

Jehovah sent his only-begotten Son to the earth to give his life as a ransom. (John 3:16) In addition to dying for us, that Son showed us how to live. With each step he took, he kept his integrity and brought joy to his Father’s heart. Jesus also showed us how to be like his Father. The ways and the will of the Father found perfect expression in the words and deeds of the Son.​—John 14:9.

Jesus is “a model,” the Bible says, “for [us] to follow his steps closely.” (1 Peter 2:21) If we want to draw closer to Jehovah, if we want to have a truly meaningful life now, and if we want to remain on the road to everlasting life, we must follow closely in the footsteps of Christ.

To begin this journey, we need to become familiar with Jesus’ life on earth. So the portrait of Jesus preserved in the Bible merits our careful study. Reflecting on the things Jesus said and did and considering how we can imitate him in word and deed will help us to see more clearly how to follow him.

May this publication help you to grow in your love for Jesus and for Jehovah. And may that love move you to follow closely in Jesus’ footsteps so that you may bring joy to Jehovah’s heart now and forever.

The Publishers