She Found a Purpose in Life

She Found a Purpose in Life

Kingdom Proclaimers Report

She Found a Purpose in Life

JESUS says he knows his sheep. (John 10:14) If a person has a good heart and a love for peace and righteousness, that one will be drawn to Jesus’ followers. Such an individual will find a purpose in life, as did one woman in Belgium. This is her story:

“When Jehovah’s Witnesses knocked on my door, I was very depressed and thinking of putting an end to my life. I liked what the Witnesses said about the solution to the problems of this sick world but did not like the idea that God had a part to play. I had stopped going to church eight years before, as I hated the hypocrisy I saw there. With the Witnesses, though, I recognized the ring of truth in what they said and came to realize that, after all, it is hard to live without God.

“Unhappily, after a few visits, contact with the Witnesses was lost. I felt miserable. I smoked two packs of cigarettes a day and even turned to drugs. Wanting to communicate with my deceased grandfather, I dabbled in spiritism. How frightened I was when alone at night I experienced demon attacks as a result! This lasted for months. Each evening I was terrified at the thought of being alone.

“Then, one day I went for a walk, taking a route different from my usual one, and I came to a huge building site. To my surprise I saw a great crowd there. Coming closer, I saw it was Jehovah’s Witnesses in the process of constructing a Kingdom Hall. I remembered the visits the Witnesses had made at my home, and I thought how wonderful it would be if the whole world could live as these people did.

“I really wished that the Witnesses would come back to my home, so I spoke to some of those working on the hall. I prayed to God, and ten days later the man who had first contacted me was at my door. He suggested that we continue the Bible study, and I gladly agreed. Right away he invited me to the meetings at the Kingdom Hall. I accepted. Never had I seen such a sight! I had searched so long for people who loved one another and were happy. And here they were at last!

“Thereafter I went to all the meetings. After about three weeks, I stopped the bad habit of smoking. I threw away my books on astrology and my records with satanic music, and I could feel that the demons were losing their grip on me. I put my life in order according to Jehovah’s Bible standards, and after three months I started preaching the good news. After six months I was baptized. Two days after my baptism, I started auxiliary pioneering.

“I thank Jehovah for all the good things he has done for me. My life has a purpose at last. Yes, Jehovah’s name is a strong tower in which I found refuge and protection. (Proverbs 18:10) I really feel as did the psalmist when he wrote Psalm 84:10: ‘A day in your courtyards is better than a thousand elsewhere! I have chosen to stand at the threshold in the house of my God rather than to move around in the tents of wickedness.’”

This meekhearted woman found a purpose in life. So can anyone who searches for Jehovah with a good heart.