THE WATCHTOWER No. 1 2023 | Mental Health—​Help From the Bible

All around the world, mental health problems afflict millions of people. Young and old from all economic and educational levels, diverse ethnic groups, and religious backgrounds are having to deal with distressing symptoms. What are mental illnesses, and how do they affect people? This magazine will discuss the importance of proper medical treatment as well as how the Bible can help sufferers in various practical ways.


A Worldwide Mental Health Crisis

Mental disorders can affect people of any age or background. See how the Bible’s guidance can benefit your mental health.

God Cares for You

Why can you be confident that Jehovah God understands your thoughts and feelings better than anyone else?

1 | Prayer—“Throw All Your Anxiety on Him”

Can you really pray to God about any anxious thought or worry? How beneficial is prayer for those who suffer with anxiety?

2 | “Comfort From the Scriptures”

The Bible’s message gives real hope that painful emotions will soon be a thing of the past.

3 | Benefit From Bible Examples

Bible accounts of men and women with feelings like ours can help us feel less alone when dealing with disturbing emotions.

4 | The Bible Offers Practical Advice

See how reflecting on Bible verses and setting reasonable goals can help you cope with your mental health challenges.

How to Help Those With Mental Health Challenges

Offering your support can make a difference for a friend suffering with mental illness.