All Because of a Smile!

All Because of a Smile!

TWO young women were walking together in a business district in Baguio City, Philippines. They noticed a public witnessing cart, but they did not approach it. Helen, the sister standing next to the cart, smiled broadly at them. The women continued on their way, but they were impressed by Helen’s warm smile.

Later, as the women were riding home on a bus, they spotted a large sign displayed at a Kingdom Hall. They remembered that it was the same lettering they had seen on the witnessing cart earlier. They both got off the bus and checked the schedule of meetings for the different congregations listed at the gate of the Kingdom Hall.

The two women attended one of the next meetings. And whom did they see as they walked into the Kingdom Hall? Helen! They recognized her immediately as the person with the big smile. “When they walked up to me,” says Helen, “I got a bit nervous. I thought that perhaps I had done something wrong.” But the women explained to Helen what had happened.

The young women enjoyed the meeting and association; they felt right at home. When they saw others cleaning the hall after the meeting, they asked if they could help. One of the women has since left the country, but the other woman began attending meetings and started studying the Bible​—all because of a smile!