SONG 124 Ever Loyal

Jehovah Will Help You During Difficult Times

Jehovah Will Help You During Difficult Times

“[Jehovah] is the stability of your times.”​—ISA. 33:6.


What we can do to benefit from Jehovah’s help during difficult times.

1-2. What challenges may faithful servants of Jehovah face?

 TRAGIC events can change our life overnight. For example, a faithful brother named Luis a was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. The doctor told him that he had only a few months to live. Monika and her husband were busy in spiritual activities. Then one day, Monika learned that her husband, an elder, had been living a double life for years. Olivia, a single sister, was forced to evacuate her home because a devastating hurricane was approaching. When she returned, she found that the storm had destroyed her house. In one brief moment, the lives of these individuals changed drastically. Can you relate to what they experienced? Have you faced an event that suddenly turned your world upside down?

2 As faithful servants of Jehovah, we face difficulties and infirmities that are common to all mankind. We may also have to endure opposition or persecution from those who hate God’s people. Though Jehovah does not shield us from such hardships, he does promise to help us. (Isa. 41:10) With his assistance, we can maintain our joy, make good decisions, and stay loyal to him even through the most difficult situations. In this article, we will examine four ways that Jehovah helps us during dark times in our life. We will also consider what we need to do to benefit from the help that he provides.


3. When we go through a tragic event, what may we find difficult to do?

3 The challenge. When we experience a tragic event, we may find it difficult to think clearly and make decisions. Why? Our heart may be in extreme pain. Our mind may feel weighed down by anxiety. We could feel as if we were wandering through a fog, uncertain which direction to take. Note how the two sisters mentioned earlier felt during their trials. Olivia says: “After the hurricane demolished my home, I felt lost and completely overwhelmed.” Monika says regarding her husband’s betrayal: “I felt more than disappointed. I felt a pain that truly crushed me from within. I didn’t know how to function normally anymore. What seemed unbelievable had happened to me.” How does Jehovah promise to help us when we feel overwhelmed?

4. According to Philippians 4:6, 7, what does Jehovah promise us?

4 What Jehovah does. He promises to give us what the Bible calls “the peace of God.” (Read Philippians 4:6, 7.) This peace refers to the calmness and tranquility of mind and heart that result from our precious relationship with him. This peace “surpasses all understanding”; it is more wonderful than we can imagine. Have you ever felt surprisingly calm after praying fervently to Jehovah? That feeling is “the peace of God.”

5. How does the peace of God guard our minds and hearts?

5 The same passage states that the peace of God “will guard,” or protect, “your hearts and your mental powers.” The original word for “guard” was a military expression and was used to refer to soldiers who guarded a city and kept it safe from attack. The inhabitants of a guarded city slept in peace, knowing that troops were posted at the gates. Similarly, when the peace of God guards our hearts and minds, we feel calm, knowing that we are safe. (Ps. 4:8) As in the case of Hannah, even if our situation does not change immediately, we can still feel a measure of peace. (1 Sam. 1:16-18) And when we feel calm, we often find it easier to think clearly and make wise decisions.

Pray until you feel “the peace of God” guarding your heart and mind (See paragraphs 4-6)

6. What can we do to benefit from the peace of God? (See also picture.)

6 What we need to do. When you are troubled, summon the guard, so to speak. How? Pray until you feel the peace of God. (Luke 11:9; 1 Thess. 5:17) Luis, mentioned earlier, explained how he and his wife, Ana, were able to cope when they learned that he had only a few months left to live. He said: “In a moment like this, it is extremely difficult to make decisions about health care and other matters. But prayer has been indispensable in bringing us peace during this process.” Luis and his wife said that they prayed intensely and repeatedly, asking Jehovah to give them peace of mind, a calm heart, and the wisdom to make good decisions. And they felt his help. If you are facing a crisis, persevere in prayer, and you will experience Jehovah’s peace as it guards your heart and mind.​—Rom. 12:12.


7. What might we feel when we experience a difficult trial?

7 The challenge. When we go through a difficult trial, our feelings, thoughts, and reactions may not be as balanced as they normally are. We could feel as if we were being tossed from one strong emotion to the next. Ana, mentioned earlier, stated that she went through a wide range of emotions after Luis’ death. She said: “When feelings of emptiness set in, I would start feeling sorry for myself. I would also get angry that he was gone.” Furthermore, Ana felt lonely and was frustrated at having to make decisions on matters that Luis had cared for so well. At times, she felt that she was in a storm at sea. How does Jehovah help us when such emotions begin flooding over us?

8. As stated at Isaiah 33:6, of what does Jehovah assure us?

8 What Jehovah does. He assures us that he will stabilize us. (Read Isaiah 33:6.) When a ship encounters a storm, it may begin to rock dangerously from side to side. To counteract this movement, many ships have stabilizers that extend from each side of the ship under the water. These stabilizers can significantly reduce the rocking of the ship, making the situation safer and more bearable for passengers. However, many stabilization systems work best when the ship is moving forward. Similarly, Jehovah will stabilize us as we move forward faithfully in times of trial.

Stabilize yourself with the help of our research tools (See paragraphs 8-9)

9. How can our research tools help us to maintain our balance? (See also picture.)

9 What we need to do. When you are in the midst of an emotional storm, do your best to keep up with your spiritual routine. Granted, you may not be able to do as much as you could before, but remember that Jehovah is reasonable. (Compare Luke 21:1-4.) As part of your spiritual routine, set aside time for personal study and meditation. Why? Through his organization, Jehovah has provided outstanding Scriptural information that can help us maintain our balance. To find what you need, you can use research tools available in your language, such as the JW Library® app, Watch Tower Publications Index, and Research Guide for Jehovah’s Witnesses. Monika, mentioned earlier, stated that she turned to the research tools for advice when she felt an emotional storm coming. For example, she searched the word “anger.” At other times, she searched “betrayal” or “loyalty.” Then she would read until she felt better. She said: “What started as frantic keystrokes turned into a hug from Jehovah. As I read, I came to realize that Jehovah understood all my different feelings, and he was helping me.” Such assistance from Jehovah can also help you to maintain your balance until you reach calmer waters.​—Ps. 119:143, 144.


10. How may we feel after a traumatic event?

10 The challenge. After a traumatic event, there may be days when we feel weak physically and emotionally. We might feel like an injured athlete who used to run fast but now walks with a limp. We may struggle with tasks that we could previously do with ease, or we may have little motivation to engage in activities we once enjoyed. Like Elijah, we could feel that it is too hard to get up. We just want to sleep. (1 Ki. 19:5-7) What does Jehovah promise to do when we feel weak?

11. What is another way Jehovah helps us? (Psalm 94:18)

11 What Jehovah does. (Isa. 41:13) He promises to support us. (Read Psalm 94:18.) Just as an injured athlete needs support to move about, we may need help to keep active in Jehovah’s service. In those moments, Jehovah assures us: “I, Jehovah your God, am grasping your right hand, the One saying to you, ‘Do not be afraid. I will help you.’” King David experienced this help. When faced with trials and enemies, he said to Jehovah: “Your right hand supports me.” (Ps. 18:35) But how does Jehovah provide support?

Welcome the support of your family, friends, and elders (See paragraphs 11-13)

12. Whom may Jehovah use to help us when we are weak?

12 Jehovah often supports us by motivating others to help us. For example, once when David felt weak, his friend Jonathan visited him to provide emotional support and words of encouragement. (1 Sam. 23:16, 17) Similarly, Jehovah chose Elisha to provide practical help to Elijah. (1 Ki. 19:16, 21; 2 Ki. 2:2) Today, Jehovah may use family, friends, or the elders to support us. However, when we are hurt, we may be inclined to withdraw. We just want to be left alone. That is a normal reaction. What can we do to receive Jehovah’s support?

13. What do we need to do in order to benefit from Jehovah’s support? (See also picture.)

13 What we need to do. Fight the urge to isolate yourself. When we isolate ourselves, our focus often narrows, and we begin to think only about ourselves and the problems we are going through. This type of thinking can affect the decisions we make. (Prov. 18:1) Of course, we all need moments to be alone, especially when confronted with tragic situations. However, if we were to isolate ourselves for an extended period, we could push away the very means that Jehovah is using to support us. So as hard as it may be during a difficult time, welcome the help of your family, friends, and elders. View them for what they are​—Jehovah’s means of supporting you.​—Prov. 17:17; Isa. 32:1, 2.


14. What frightening situations could we encounter?

14 The challenge. We may go through moments when we feel frightened. In the Bible, faithful servants of God speak of times when they were in distress and trembling because of their enemies or other pressures. (Ps. 18:4; 55:1, 5) Similarly, we could be facing opposition at school, at work, from our family, or from the government. We could even be facing death because of a medical problem. During such times, we may feel as helpless as a small child. How does Jehovah help us in moments like these?

15. What assurance does Psalm 94:19 provide?

15 What Jehovah does. He comforts and soothes us. (Read Psalm 94:19.) This psalm may make us think of a little girl who is scared and unable to sleep because of a bad thunderstorm. We can picture her father coming in, picking her up, and holding her in his arms until she falls asleep. Although the storm is still raging, her father’s comforting embrace makes her feel safe. When we face frightening trials, we may need our heavenly Father to hold us figuratively until the intense feelings pass. How can we receive such comfort from Jehovah?

Let your heavenly Father console you through the Scriptures (See paragraphs 15-16)

16. What can we do to benefit from Jehovah’s comfort? (See also picture.)

16 What we need to do. Regularly spend time with Jehovah​—praying to him and reading his Word. (Ps. 77:1, 12-14) Then when you are under stress, your first thought will likely be to turn to your heavenly Father. Share your fears and concerns with Jehovah. Let him talk to you and console you through the Scriptures. (Ps. 119:28) You may find that specific portions of the Bible can be particularly comforting when you are afraid. For example, you may find encouragement in the books of Job, Psalms, and Proverbs as well as in Jesus’ words found in Matthew chapter 6. As you pray to Jehovah and read his Word, you will feel his comfort.

17. What confidence can we have?

17 We can have confidence that Jehovah will be there for us during dark times in our life. We will never be alone. (Ps. 23:4; 94:14) Jehovah promises to guard, stabilize, support, and comfort us. Regarding Jehovah, Isaiah 26:3 says: “You will safeguard those who fully lean on you; you will give them continuous peace, because it is in you that they trust.” So trust in Jehovah, and take advantage of the means he uses to help you. If you do, you will regain strength even during difficult times.


  • When may we especially need Jehovah’s help?

  • In what four ways does Jehovah help us during times of distress?

  • What can we do to benefit from Jehovah’s help?

SONG 12 Great God, Jehovah

a Some names have been changed.