Questions From Readers

Questions From Readers

Do the words “You will guard them,” found at Psalm 12:7, refer to “the afflicted” (verse 5) or to “the sayings of Jehovah” (verse 6)?

The context indicates that this verse is referring to people.

At Psalm 12:1-4, we read that “faithful people have vanished from among men.” Now consider Psalm 12:5-7, the verses involved in the question.

“‘Because the afflicted are oppressed,

Because of the sighing of the poor,

I will rise up to act,’ says Jehovah.

‘I will save them from those who treat them with contempt.’

The sayings of Jehovah are pure;

They are like silver refined in an earthen furnace, purified seven times.

You will guard them, O Jehovah;

You will protect each one of them from this generation forever.”

Verse 5 presents what God says regarding “the afflicted.” He will save them.

Verse 6 adds that “the sayings of Jehovah are pure,” ‘like refined silver.’ This is a sentiment that devoted Christians fully agree with.​—Ps. 18:30; 119:140.

Now consider the next verse, Psalm 12:7: “You will guard them, O Jehovah; you will protect each one of them from this generation forever.” To what does “them” refer?

Because verse 7 follows a comment about “the sayings of Jehovah,” some might conclude that “them” refers to God’s sayings. And we know that God has guarded the Bible despite many efforts by opposers to ban and destroy it.​—Isa. 40:8; 1 Pet. 1:25.

However, what is said in verse 5 is equally true. Jehovah has and will continue to help and save “the afflicted” and the “oppressed.”​—Job 36:15; Ps. 6:4; 31:1, 2; 54:7; 145:20.

Hence, to what does “them” in verse 7 refer?

The content of this psalm suggests that “them” refers to people.

Psalm 12:1 brought up the situation of “faithful people” who may have been lied to. Thereafter, we find an expression that Jehovah will rise up against those misusing their tongue. The psalm assures us that we can trust God to act in behalf of his people because his sayings are pure.

So verse 7 is saying that Jehovah will guard and protect “them,” that is, the afflicted victims of the wicked.

The rendering “them” reflects the Hebrew Masoretic text. The Greek Septuagint uses “us” twice in verse 7, which points back to faithful ones who are afflicted and oppressed. Finally, verse 7 says that “each one of” the faithful will be protected “from this generation,” from men who promote depravity. (Ps. 12:7, 8) In the Aramaic Targums, verse 7 reads: “You, O LORD, will protect the righteous, you will guard them from this evil generation for ever. On every side the wicked go about, like a leech that drains the blood of the sons of men.” This adds to the evidence that Psalm 12:7 is not referring to God’s sayings.

Consequently, this verse provides hope for “faithful people” that God will act.