They Found Something Better

They Found Something Better

MILLIONS of Christians choose not to celebrate Christmas. How do they feel about their decision? Do they feel that they are missing out on something? Do their children feel deprived? Consider what Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world say about the matter.


Remembering Jesus Christ: “Before I became one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, I rarely went to church. If I did go, I went only on Christmas or Easter. Yet, even then, I didn’t really think about Jesus Christ. I no longer celebrate Christmas, but I attend Christian meetings twice weekly and I even teach others what the Bible says about Jesus!”​—EVE, AUSTRALIA.


The joy of giving: “I get excited when people give me a present when I don’t expect it. I love surprises! I also like making cards and painting pictures for other people because it makes them feel a bit happier, and it makes me happy too.”​—REUBEN, NORTHERN IRELAND.


Helping the needy: “We enjoy making meals for people who are sick. Sometimes we bring them flowers, a cake, or a small gift to cheer them up. We enjoy this because we can visit these people at any time of the year.”​—EMILY, AUSTRALIA.


Family togetherness: “When our family gets together, our children get to know their uncles, aunts, grandparents, and cousins in a relaxed atmosphere. Since we are not bound by fixed holidays, we do not feel pressured, and our family knows that we visit them because we love them.”​—WENDY, CAYMAN ISLANDS.


Peace: “At Christmastime, it seems that there is so much to do that few people think about peace. I have learned what the Bible promises for humans; I feel at ease. I understand that my children will enjoy a happy future.”​—SANDRA, SPAIN.