Song 38 Throw Your Burden on Jehovah PLAY Throw Your Burden on Jehovah Sorry, the media player failed to load. Download This Video Show Text Version Hide Text Version (Psalm 55) 1. Please give ear, O Lord, Jehovah, Let yourself be found by me. Hear my prayer, and may you answer; Help me unafraid to be. (CHORUS) Throw your burden on Jehovah; He himself will you sustain. He will never let you totter But will help you firm remain. 2. Had I wings just as a dove has, Far from danger I would fly, Safe from those who seek to hurt me, Sheltered from their hateful cry. (CHORUS) Throw your burden on Jehovah; He himself will you sustain. He will never let you totter But will help you firm remain. 3. I will call upon Jehovah, His protection I will seek. He gives peace midst opposition; Strength he gives to all the meek. (CHORUS) Throw your burden on Jehovah; He himself will you sustain. He will never let you totter But will help you firm remain. (See also Ps. 22:5; 31:1-24.) Previous Next Print Share Share Throw Your Burden on Jehovah Sing to Jehovah Throw Your Burden on Jehovah American Sign Language Throw Your Burden on Jehovah sn song 38