SONG 117

The Quality of Goodness

The Quality of Goodness
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(2 Chronicles 6:41)

  1. 1. O Jehovah, God of goodness,

    You have blessed us all our days!

    You are holy, ever loyal,

    And so good in all your ways.

    You show favor, granting mercy,

    Far beyond what we deserve.

    You’re so worthy of our worship,

    And it’s you we gladly serve.

  2. 2. Your own goodness is reflected

    In the people whom you choose;

    And the proof is in their conduct

    And the preaching of good news.

    Your good teaching, your good shepherds,

    Bear good fruit in many lands.

    May you grant us holy spirit,

    And may goodness guide our hands.

  3. 3. May you bless our deeds of goodness

    To our brothers, great or small.

    May we show them special favor

    As we work at good t’ward all.

    In each fam’ly, congregation,

    In each town and neighborhood,

    With your blessing and your spirit,

    May we be a force for good.