SONG 145

God’s Promise of Paradise

God’s Promise of Paradise
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(Luke 23:43)

  1. 1. A paradise our God has promised,

    By means of Christ’s Millennial Reign,

    When he’ll blot out all sin and error,

    Removing death and tears and pain.


    A paradise, the earth will be.

    With eyes of faith, this we can see.

    This promise Christ will soon fulfill,

    For he delights to do God’s will.

  2. 2. Soon here on earth, as God has purposed,

    His Son will cause the dead to rise.

    Then it will be as Jesus promised:

    ‘You’ll be with me in Paradise.’


    A paradise, the earth will be.

    With eyes of faith, this we can see.

    This promise Christ will soon fulfill,

    For he delights to do God’s will.

  3. 3. The Paradise, our Lord has promised,

    And he is now our reigning King.

    We daily thank our loving Father,

    And from our hearts, his praises sing.


    A paradise, the earth will be.

    With eyes of faith, this we can see.

    This promise Christ will soon fulfill,

    For he delights to do God’s will.