Facilities That Honor Our Grand Instructor

Facilities That Honor Our Grand Instructor

JULY 1, 2023

 Jehovah loves to educate his people. As a result, his organization has established several schools that train students to carry out their assignments. One of those schools is the School for Kingdom Evangelizers (SKE). In recent years, God’s organization has given attention not only to the curriculum but also to the facilities that host theocratic schools. A main goal is to improve the learning environment for students and instructors. How are your donations helping us to reach that goal?

More Students in a More Enriching Environment

 For many years, theocratic schools have been held at Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls. Why, then, have we recently built or renovated a number of additional facilities that now are used exclusively for theocratic schools? Consider three reasons.

 Greater needs. “Branch offices have reported substantial needs in the field,” explains Christopher Mavor, a helper to the Service Committee of the Governing Body. “In 2019, for example, the Brazil branch estimated that some 7,600 additional SKE graduates were required to care for the needs in their branch territory.” The United States branch reports a great need for qualified pioneers who can train others in special metropolitan public witnessing, harbor witnessing, and prison witnessing. There is also a need for brothers to serve with the Local Design/Construction Department and on Hospital Liaison Committees. Graduates of SKE can help to fill those needs.

 Increased enrollment. Many branches have received applications from more students than they can currently enroll. In Brazil, for instance, the branch received some 2,500 SKE applications in just one year. But because of limited facilities to host the school, the branch could enroll only 950 students.

 Suitable accommodations. When students attend the school at a Kingdom Hall or an Assembly Hall, they are usually accommodated at the homes of local brothers and sisters. That arrangement works well in lands where few classes are scheduled each year. But where there are several classes, it may not be possible for local publishers to accommodate the students many months of the year. So facilities are provided that are close to the classroom and are specifically designed for the students.

 A facility with one classroom, as well as housing for instructors and about 30 students along with support services, can cost several million dollars (U.S.), depending on the location and other factors.

Features of a School Facility

 Schools are usually set up in a quiet location outside a major city but near transportation hubs. Preference is given to areas with a large number of publishers who can assist with school operations and the maintenance of buildings and equipment.

 The facilities are equipped with libraries, study areas, computers, printers, and other equipment. Often, there is a dining room where students and instructors can eat together. Adequate space is also made for physical exercise and recreation.

 The classroom itself gets special attention. “We consulted the Theocratic Schools Department to help us design classrooms that would enhance the learning environment,” explains Troy, who works with the Worldwide Design/Construction Department at Warwick, New York. “The brothers there gave us guidelines related to the size and layout of the classrooms, as well as lighting and audio and video needs.” Regarding the installation of audio equipment, Zoltán, an SKE instructor in Hungary, says: “In the beginning, we did not have any microphones, so we often had to remind the students to speak up. But now that there is a microphone on each desk, the problem is solved!”

“Special Guests of Jehovah”

 What effect have the improved facilities had on instructors and students? “It’s a very peaceful environment,” says Angela, who attended SKE in Palm Coast, Florida, U.S.A. “Everything is very well-thought-out, including the classroom setting and our rooms, so that we can focus on studying and learning.” Csaba, an instructor in Hungary, appreciates the opportunities to eat meals with the students. He says that on such occasions, “the students often open up to us and share their experiences. In this way, we get to know the students better. As a result, we can more effectively apply the curriculum to their needs.”

 Students and instructors view the improved school facilities as a blessing from our “Grand Instructor,” Jehovah. (Isaiah 30:20, 21) A sister in the Philippines who attended SKE at a facility that was converted into a school put it this way: “The school environment reminded us that we are not just students but special guests of Jehovah. He wants us to enjoy ourselves as we study his Word thoroughly.”

 School facilities can be built, renovated, and maintained because of your donations, many of which are made via Thank you very much for your generosity.

Facility entrance, Palm Coast, Florida, U.S.A.

Model of the temple in Jesus’ day, school lobby, Palm Coast, Florida, U.S.A.

Arriving at the School for Kingdom Evangelizers, Brazil

Class in session, Brazil

Arriving at the School for Kingdom Evangelizers, Philippines

Enjoying lunch together in the school dining room, Philippines