Economic Problems—What God’s Kingdom Will Do

Economic Problems—What God’s Kingdom Will Do

 For many people around the world, making ends meet is a constant struggle—and one that is getting harder.

  •   According to a recent global report, a there has been “a striking fall in real monthly wages.” It warns that if nothing is done, there will be “an increase in inequality” and a decline in “the living standards of many workers and their families.”

 Will governments be able to address this growing economic crisis, let alone solve it?

 The Bible explains that there is a government that can and will solve all economic problems, including inequality. It says that “the God of heaven will set up a kingdom,” a single government to administer all of earth’s affairs. (Daniel 2:44) Under that world government, no one will be forgotten or left behind. (Psalm 9:18) God’s Kingdom will ensure that its citizens have what they need to be happy. All will be able to enjoy a good reward for their hard work.—Isaiah 65:21, 22.

a International Labour Organization Global Wage Report 2022-23