DECEMBER 20, 2019

Buenos Aires, Argentina—2019 “Love Never Fails”! International Convention

Buenos Aires, Argentina—2019 “Love Never Fails”! International Convention
  • Dates: December 13-15, 2019

  • Location: Estadio Único de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

  • Program Languages: Argentinean Sign Language, English, Spanish

  • Peak Attendance: 47,555

  • Total Number Baptized: 563

  • Number of International Delegates: 6,300

  • Invited Branches: Bolivia, Central America, Central Europe, Chile, Czech-Slovak, Finland, Italy, Korea, Paraguay, Peru, Romania, Scandinavia, Spain, United States

  • Local Experience: Mara Anapios, sales manager of the Panamericano Hotel that accommodated delegates, said: “In these moments of internal, regional, and global conflicts, I think that experiencing this kind of event is extremely important because it is an example of brotherhood, peace, and love, which are what we really need.”


Local brothers and sisters welcome delegates at the airport

Four brothers represent Jehovah’s Witnesses at a press conference prior to the convention

Brothers and sisters stream to the convention venue

Convention attendees applaud during one of the sessions

New brothers being baptized in one of the three pools used at the convention

Brother Kenneth Cook, a member of the Governing Body, delivers the concluding talk on Sunday

A group of sisters poses for a photograph holding up letters that spell out “LOVE”

Delegates dressed in native garb take a picture together

Special full-time servants visiting from various countries wave to the audience at the end of the Sunday session

Local brothers perform on stage for visiting delegates at one of the evening gatherings