AUGUST 29, 2023

Public Witnessing at the FIFA U-20 World Cup in Argentina

Public Witnessing at the FIFA U-20 World Cup in Argentina

From May 20 to June 11, 2023, the FIFA U-20 World Cup was held in four major cities in Argentina. It was estimated that more than 400,000 national and international visitors attended the event, which lasted three weeks. Literature display carts were set up at different times and locations. About 500 brothers and sisters participated in the initiative, and more than 500 pieces of literature were distributed. Many individuals were directed to for answers to their Bible questions.

One local man approached the cart and explained that he enjoyed listening to podcasts while exercising. One of our brothers showed him and explained how to download our publications in audio format. The man said that he would include our publications in his playlist.

In an effort to appeal to the many international visitors at the tournament, literature displays were set up in nine different languages. In addition, many publishers learned a few basic greetings in a variety of languages in order to interact with those who approached the carts. One of our brothers who shared in the initiative noted: “Being part of an effort to reach people from so many different backgrounds highlighted how kind and impartial Jehovah is. It truly filled me with joy.”

Notably, event organizers allowed Jehovah’s Witnesses to set up literature carts in areas where, for security reasons, attendees were not normally permitted to gather. Commenting on their decision, one organizer said, “We know Jehovah’s Witnesses are peaceful and pose no threat.” As a result, security personnel received a good witness.

It is encouraging to see Jehovah’s servants making every effort to reach all sorts of people and sow seeds of Kingdom truth earth wide.—Ecclesiastes 11:6.