JUNE 29, 2023

Sharing the Good News in Isolated Territories of Argentina and Uruguay

Sharing the Good News in Isolated Territories of Argentina and Uruguay

The Argentina branch organized a special preaching campaign in isolated areas of Argentina and Uruguay from January to April 2023. The more than 9,500 publishers who participated were organized into nearly 700 groups. They assisted 146 congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses located in these remote areas of the branch territory.

More than one million people live in small towns, indigenous communities, and rural areas of Argentina and Uruguay. During the past three years, it was difficult for publishers to reach these territories. Our brothers and sisters were thrilled to resume sharing the Bible’s message in these remote regions.

Brother Adrián Donadío and his wife, Karina, traveled almost 1,600 kilometers (1,000 mi) to reach their assignment in Tartagal, Argentina. Adrián stated: “When we saw the spiritual need of the people, we were so happy to be able to offer them the refreshment that comes from the good news.”

In the town of Barrancas, Argentina, two publishers visited an elderly couple who are in their 90’s and began studying the Bible before the pandemic. Because their home is so remote and they do not have a stable Internet connection, they lost contact with the congregation for three years. But they continued a routine of reading the Bible every day and prayed to Jehovah that someone would contact them again. They were overjoyed when the brothers arrived during the campaign. They thanked Jehovah for answering their prayers, and arrangements were made to continue their study.

Brother Eduar Ferreira and his wife, Alejandra, a regular pioneer couple from Montevideo, Uruguay, traveled 400 kilometers (248 mi) to participate in the campaign in a remote part of the country. Their three children, aged 17, 15, and 11, accompanied them. Eduar commented: “It was wonderful to see our children preaching with so much joy. As a family, we can say we are ready for the next campaign!”

We are happy to see how Jehovah has blessed the efforts of our brothers and sisters as they exerted themselves “to give a thorough witness” in these remote areas.—Acts 10:42.