JANUARY 26, 2023

Rebuilt Kingdom Hall Dedicated in the Bahamas

Rebuilt Kingdom Hall Dedicated in the Bahamas

Brother Mark Sanderson gives the dedication talk

On January 7, 2023, Brother Mark Sanderson, a member of the Governing Body, dedicated a rebuilt Kingdom Hall on Great Abaco Island in the Bahamas. The Kingdom Hall had been destroyed by Hurricane Dorian in September 2019. The COVID-19 pandemic halted work on the Kingdom Hall just three weeks before it was scheduled to be completed in March 2020. Construction volunteers returned in 2021 to finish the project.

“When that hurricane blew through, it may have taken a lot of things with it, but it sure didn’t take your faith. And it didn’t take away your relationship with God,” Brother Sanderson enthusiastically expressed in the dedication talk.

The hurricane-resistant building is the only Kingdom Hall on the island and is home to 49 publishers in two congregations, an English-speaking congregation and a Haitian Creole-speaking congregation. There were 175 in attendance for the dedication program and another 167 virtual connections. The dedication program featured an open house, attended by Witnesses and non-Witness residents.

Brother Jake Majure was one of the construction volunteers when the relief work had to be stopped. “It was just heartbreaking,” he said. “We were finishing repairs on houses at almost record speed, and the rebuilt Kingdom Hall was about ready for the Memorial when the work was halted.” He was able to return in 2021 to help complete the Kingdom Hall and other home repairs.

The dedication of the Kingdom Hall was a happy occasion

As Brother Sanderson noted: “It’s such a testimony to Jehovah’s people, how we work together and love one another. Now, to actually be here in January 2023 and see the building up and the happiness of our brothers, it is amazing and wonderful.”

We are confident that this newly rebuilt Kingdom Hall will result in a shout of praise to our God, Jehovah.—Ezra 3:10.