SEPTEMBER 19, 2023

Mental Health Awareness Takes Center Stage at International Book Fair in Bolivia

Mental Health Awareness Takes Center Stage at International Book Fair in Bolivia

The International Book Fair of Santa Cruz took place in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, from May 31 to June 11, 2023. More than 120,000 visitors attended the fair. The booth organized by our brothers highlighted The Watchtower No. 1 2023, “Mental Health—Help From the Bible.”

The Spanish-language edition of The Watchtower No. 1 2023, entitled “Mental Health—Help From the Bible”

Approximately 200 brothers and sisters staffed our booth during the fair and greeted more than 20,000 visitors. Televisions displayed educational videos from our website, and visitors learned how to research various topics on Nearly 5,500 pieces of literature were distributed, and about 600 videos were shown. Additionally, 45 individuals who visited the booth requested a Bible study using the online form on

After one woman noticed the theme of mental health at our booth, she approached a sister and explained that her mother struggles with mental and emotional health issues. The woman mentioned that she herself also deals with anxiety and depression. The sister helped the woman download the Watchtower magazine on mental health and the Enjoy Life Forever! brochure onto her cell phone. The woman also filled out the online form on to request a Bible study immediately.

Several brothers and sisters pose inside the booth at the International Book Fair

A psychologist who received a copy of The Watchtower on mental health at the fair commented: “I plan on sharing this article with my patients. This information and the Bible verses it discusses will surely benefit them.” Another woman, whose mother had recently passed away, was encouraged after being shown the article “When a Parent Dies” under the section “Peace and Happiness” on

With so many facing mental and emotional health challenges today, our brothers and sisters in Bolivia were happy to help people find comfort from the practical advice Jehovah provides in his Word, the Bible.—Psalm 34:18.