JANUARY 27, 2021

Jehovah’s Witnesses in Brazil Reach Out to Seldom-Worked Territories

Jehovah’s Witnesses in Brazil Reach Out to Seldom-Worked Territories

In Brazil, there are some 1,500 cities without congregations. Some of these cities are in remote locations and have many residents who have never been contacted by Jehovah’s Witnesses. For this reason, the Brazil branch intended to launch a special campaign to visit these cities from September to December 2020. Because of COVID-19 restrictions, the campaign was carried out through letter writing. Publishers from 3,000 congregations participated.

Publishers researched information online about their assigned city and adapted their letters to the needs of the residents. For example, a pioneer wrote letters to people living in a city in the state of Tocantins. She discovered that the region was recently affected by wildfires. In her letters, she included thoughts from Revelation 21:5 and explained how Jehovah will ‘make all things new’ and resolve environmental issues in the future. A few days later, a woman sent the pioneer an audio message expressing how much she enjoyed reading about how God “can make positive changes.” The woman then requested more information.

One householder sent a sister a text message that well expressed the campaign’s effectiveness. The text read: “I have no words to describe how much God used you to reach me. . . . Thank you! You made me believe again that God loves me and is taking care of me and my family! I feel embraced. Although I don’t know you, you are the answer to a prayer! Thank you sincerely!”

An elder serving in the Itamarati Congregation in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, commented on the sentiments of the brothers and sisters involved in the campaign: “We feel like special pioneers going into an isolated territory. This is an opportunity that many brothers would not normally have because of circumstances and family responsibilities.”

Jehovah certainly blessed this campaign. We are privileged to help the good news to be “preached in all creation under heaven.”—Colossians 1:23.