DECEMBER 10, 2019

Special Campaign Reaches Rural Areas in Brazil

Special Campaign Reaches Rural Areas in Brazil

Tens of thousands of Jehovah’s Witnesses are making a special effort to share the Bible’s message with people living in rural areas of Brazil. This special preaching campaign began on September 1, 2018, and will continue until December 31, 2019. To date, more than 80,000 publishers have participated, and more than 16,000 Bible studies have been started.

Brazil is the world’s fifth largest country. It is estimated that some 28 million people live in the rural areas. An additional 22 million people live in isolated towns and villages. The special campaign has already reached over 1,600 territories. Some publishers have had to travel more than 2,000 kilometers (1,243 mi) to reach people.

One publisher arrived at a house where an elderly man was processing coffee that he had harvested. The man invited the publisher inside his house and called to his wife, saying: “He came to talk about the Bible with us. Let’s listen!”

The man and his wife began asking questions. They inquired about the condition of the dead, why God allows suffering, whether it is right to pay tithes, how to solve family problems, and many other topics. Impressed by the publisher’s Bible-based answers, the man explained that he had been praying that morning, asking God if his many questions would ever be answered. The family attended their first meeting that same evening, and they are continuing to study the Bible.

In another area, publishers were working from house to house when heavy rain forced them to take shelter in a public health clinic. While there, they asked a woman and her daughter what questions they would like to ask God. The daughter said that she would love to see her late grandmother again. The publishers shared with them scriptures regarding the resurrection and showed the video entitled The Resurrection—Soon a Reality.

Later, when the publishers visited the woman’s home, they were able to start a Bible study with her and her family. The woman and her daughters attended a meeting in a nearby city and are continuing their study over the telephone.

The Bible foretells that the Kingdom of God will have subjects “to the ends of the earth.” The special campaign in rural Brazil reflects Jehovah’s will to see that prophecy fulfilled.—Psalm 72:8.