JULY 26, 2019

Toronto, Canada—2019 “Love Never Fails”! International Convention

Toronto, Canada—2019 “Love Never Fails”! International Convention
  • Dates: July 19-21, 2019

  • Location: Exhibition Place, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

  • Program Languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish

  • Peak Attendance: 46,183

  • Total Number Baptized: 317

  • Number of International Delegates: 5,000

  • Invited Branches: Brazil, Britain, Central America, Finland, India, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Ukraine, United States

  • Local Experiences: “Everything that the [Jehovah’s Witnesses’] convention committee talked about as to what they would bring to the venue—the level of service they would bring to the venue—has come true,” stated Laura Purdy, general manager of sales and events at Exhibition Place. “We did a little bit of research on our own and spoke to other venues that the convention had been at, and in fact, they had the same experience we are having now.” Ms. Purdy continued: “The environment has been warm and welcoming. I would highly encourage any other venue organizer to welcome the JW convention to their city.”


Brothers and sisters at the airport welcoming delegates to Toronto

Delegates and local friends enjoying one another’s company in the ministry

Bethelites playing music for the delegates during their visit to the Canada branch

Brother Geoffrey Jackson, a member of the Governing Body, giving the last talk on Friday

One of the 317 new brothers and sisters getting baptized on Saturday

Brothers and sisters taking notes during the program

Missionaries and other special full-time servants walking to the front of the auditorium as the audience applauds in appreciation for their fine work

Five sisters reenacting a 1920s radio broadcast from station CKCX, then based in Toronto, Canada. By 1926, the Bible Students (as Jehovah’s Witnesses were then called) were operating their own radio stations in four Canadian cities; a rich part of Canada’s theocratic history

A local brother leading a group of young ones in song during one of the many special programs for the delegates