JUNE 6, 2024

Bible Education Highlighted at International Book Fair in Colombia

Bible Education Highlighted at International Book Fair in Colombia

The International Book Fair took place in Bogotá, Colombia, from April 17 to May 2, 2024. Organizers report that over 600,000 visitors from 25 countries attended the event. During the fair, Jehovah’s Witnesses set up a booth designed to better acquaint people with the Bible’s practical value and message of hope.

Brothers and sisters sharing the Bible’s message with several individuals who approached our booth

One man approached our booth and mentioned that Jehovah’s Witnesses visited his family in their home when he was a boy. He said he was still interested in learning more about God and the Bible’s message. Our brother demonstrated the interactive Bible study course using the Enjoy Life Forever! book. Then, he showed the man how to find a congregation meeting near his home and how to request a personal visit using jw.org. A few days later, the brother was thrilled to learn that the man had downloaded JW Library onto his cell phone, attended a meeting on Sunday, and started studying the Bible with a local brother.

A mother and her young son learning about our interactive Bible study course

When a mother and her young son approached our booth, the boy excitedly watched a video from the series Become Jehovah’s Friend. The boy’s mother asked one of our sisters where she could buy more of these educational videos. The sister explained that these videos are available on jw.org free of charge, along with other Bible-based content designed to help young people develop good moral and spiritual values. After watching several more videos with her son, the mother expressed how much she appreciated the quality of the videos and the lessons they teach. She happily accepted the sister’s offer to demonstrate our interactive Bible course, and arrangements were made to continue the discussion.

We rejoice with our brothers and sisters in Colombia at this wonderful opportunity to help others learn to “walk in the light of Jehovah.”—Isaiah 2:5.