APRIL 26, 2019

Jehovah’s Witnesses Receive Recognition for Bible Education Work With Prisoners in Colombia

Jehovah’s Witnesses Receive Recognition for Bible Education Work With Prisoners in Colombia

For over 20 years, our brothers in Colombia have been offering free Bible education to prisoners. On November 30, 2018, the Paulo Freire Educational Center presented a certificate of recognition to Jehovah’s Witnesses for their Bible education work in a prison facility in the city of Valledupar. Currently, 50 inmates participate in the Bible classes.

Throughout Colombia, Jehovah’s Witnesses hold classes in 65 prisons, where they conduct 782 Bible studies. A total of 60 individuals have progressed to baptism since 1996.

Néver Antonio Cavadía accepted a Bible study while in prison and was baptized in 1998. He was later released from Valledupar prison in 2007. Commenting on the benefits of his education, he said: “Bible principles protected and helped me to have practical wisdom while I was in prison. They also motivated me to make big changes in my life and maintain hope.”

Worldwide, our efforts to reach those in prisons are in harmony with Jehovah’s will “that all sorts of people should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth.”—1 Timothy 2:4.