JUNE 28, 2024

Public Witnessing at Ice Hockey World Championship in the Czech Republic

Public Witnessing at Ice Hockey World Championship in the Czech Republic

From May 10 to 26, 2024, the International Ice Hockey Federation’s world championship was held in the Czech Republic. The tournament drew nearly 800,000 people to the two host cities, Ostrava and Prague. Jehovah’s Witnesses set up literature display carts outside the arenas during the event. Below are several encouraging experiences.

Two young men approached a literature cart and kindly asked the brothers who they were and what they were doing there. The brothers told the men about the work of Jehovah’s Witnesses and described our interactive Bible study course. One of the young men asked when and where such a Bible study is conducted. The brothers explained that the course could be conducted at a time and place convenient for him. He accepted a Bible study.

On a separate occasion, three men spoke to our brothers and were surprised to learn that Jehovah’s Witnesses are not financially compensated for their participation in the ministry. One of the men asked: “If you’re not getting paid, what do you personally gain from doing this?” The Witnesses explained how Bible teachings had improved their lives and had given them hope for the future. Impressed by their explanation, one of the men said he would like to learn more and requested an Enjoy Life Forever! brochure.

Another man walked past the literature carts several times. Eventually, he stopped and asked the Witnesses: “What is the difference between what you believe and what my church teaches?” Our brothers used the Bible to briefly outline the beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The man listened intently and expressed his appreciation for the clear explanation. The Witnesses then showed him some of the features of jw.org and how to use the website to learn more about the Bible and its teachings.

We appreciate our brothers and sisters in the Czech Republic for zealously sharing the “good news of good things” with all who will listen.—Romans 10:15.