JUNE 24, 2019

Guayaquil, Ecuador—2019 “Love Never Fails”! International Convention

Guayaquil, Ecuador—2019 “Love Never Fails”! International Convention
  • Dates: June 14-16, 2019

  • Location: Estadio Monumental Banco Pichincha in Guayaquil, Ecuador

  • Program Languages: Ecuadorian Sign Language, English, Spanish

  • Peak Attendance: 53,055

  • Total Number Baptized: 702

  • Number of International Delegates: 5,300

  • Invited Branches: Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Central America, Colombia, Cuba, Kazakhstan, Korea, Moldova, Myanmar, Poland, Spain, United States

  • Local Experience: José Francisco Cevallos, president of the Barcelona Sporting Club that owns the stadium, stated: “We have never had issues related to your conventions, neither this one nor in previous years. That speaks highly of your good behavior and the orderliness that we see in all your conventions. It is not an easy task, yet it’s in your culture to organize and thoroughly prepare for all your events. You are good people—very educated, well-mannered, and well-organized. We strongly recommend any city and country to host Jehovah’s Witnesses.”


Delegates posing for a photograph during an open house at the Ecuador Bethel

Local brothers and sisters accompanying the delegates in the ministry

International delegates unitedly singing during the first day of the convention

Some of the 702 new brothers and sisters getting baptized

Delegates taking notes during the session

Delegates making the Korean hand gesture for love

Brother Kenneth Cook, a member of the Governing Body, delivering the concluding talk on Saturday of the convention

Visiting special full-time servants on the last day of the convention waving goodbye

Local brothers and sisters performing for the delegates during the special evening entertainment