APRIL 16, 2020

2020 Memorial Commemoration—Africa

Program Broadcast on Television and Radio

2020 Memorial Commemoration—Africa

The 2020 Memorial of Christ’s death was unique in our theocratic history. For the first time, the Memorial program was broadcast on television and radio stations in several languages to numerous locations throughout Africa.

This initiative allowed over 407,000 publishers to view the Memorial program, in addition to an untold number of interested individuals. Although the total number of viewers is unknown, the population within the broadcast range exceeds 150 million.

While the majority of individuals tied in to the Memorial by means of videoconference because of the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of publishers in Africa live in areas where Internet and cellular telephone service is costly for streaming or downloading video files. Therefore, the Governing Body approved for select branches to negotiate contracts at a very reasonable cost with broadcast companies to transmit the Memorial program on local and national television and radio stations.

In advance of the Memorial, a total of 11 branches—Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Senegal, Zambia, and Zimbabwe—contacted broadcasting companies and arranged for a public broadcast of the Memorial talk in over 36 locations, spanning 16 countries.


A total of six radio stations agreed to broadcast the Memorial program in six different languages: Ibinda, Kikongo, Kimbundu, Nyaneka, Portuguese, and Umbundu. The radio stations broadcast to some of the most densely populated parts of the country.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

A Bible student planned to watch the Memorial program alone, since her family was opposed to Jehovah’s Witnesses. However, as she was getting ready to watch the Memorial talk, her father called from the living room, “It has started!” She went into the living room and was surprised to discover her whole family gathered to watch the Memorial program on the television. A total of ten members of the Bible student’s family viewed the Memorial.

In a village close to Luena, a non-Witness said: “Our own pastors did not do anything. But you, you continue to worship your God even during the COVID-19 pandemic. We will join you!”


A national TV station agreed to broadcast the Memorial program in Twi. The station even ran an advertisement inviting the public to watch the Memorial. In addition to broadcasting the Memorial, the station showed the videos Why Did Jesus Die? and Why Does God Allow Suffering?, as well as the music videos The New World to Come and Just Around the Corner.


One sister said: “Jehovah was being spoken of on television and on radio. It’s incredible! We feel so blessed and happy. That’s our God, Jehovah!”

Another sister related: “When I heard about the television broadcast of the Memorial talk, I said to myself, ‘This is our opportunity to catch up on the invitation campaign we weren’t able to have because of COVID-19.’ I quickly got in touch with my Bible students, my return visits, and all my non-Witness acquaintances to let them know about the broadcast. Nine of my Bible students and their families were able to watch the talk. One of my cousins who watched the program on television in Ziguinchor asked me if we could discuss the subject matter further, and I happily agreed.”

This special arrangement provides yet further evidence that with Jehovah, “all things are possible.”—Matthew 19:26.