DECEMBER 30, 2019

After Cyclone Idai, Jehovah’s Witnesses Advance Large-Scale Relief Operation

After Cyclone Idai, Jehovah’s Witnesses Advance Large-Scale Relief Operation

When Cyclone Idai pummeled the southeast coast of Africa in March 2019, the branch offices in Malawi, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe quickly mobilized 14 Disaster Relief Committees (DRCs) to meet the needs of affected Witnesses. Across these three countries, our brothers have already rebuilt or repaired over 650 of the 1,434 damaged homes of fellow worshippers. Of the 29 damaged Kingdom Halls, 8 have been rebuilt and 10 have been repaired.

Over the past nine months, more than 3,500 brothers and sisters have assisted with the large-scale relief effort. Some of these volunteers have traveled long distances to help. They came from countries in Africa as well as from Brazil, France, Italy, and the United States. Skilled volunteers have been able to train the local brothers in the needed trades, such as masonry and carpentry.

In Mozambique, after Cyclone Idai hit the provinces of Manica and Sofala, about 70 percent of our brothers’ crops were destroyed. Under the branch’s direction, the DRC in that area distributed approximately 430 tons of food. The relief supplies were selected to conform to the local diet and included corn flour, beans, oil, salt, and sugar. Also, five tons of seed was distributed for such staples as tomatoes, corn, and rice.

The Malawi branch projects that the relief work will be completed by February 2020. Mozambique estimates completion by January 2020, and Zimbabwe finished the relief work in September 2019. The estimated cost of this large-scale operation is $4 million (U.S.).

Trent Edson, a member of the Zimbabwe Branch Committee who serves on the branch’s Disaster Relief Desk, states: “The brothers and sisters whose houses were rebuilt were beside themselves with joy. The outpouring of concern from the brothers, both locally and from far away, was beautiful to witness. So many wanted to help in any way possible.”

Along with the over 10,000 brothers and sisters who were affected by this storm in southeast Africa, we thank Jehovah for this heartwarming display of brotherly love in “times of distress.”—Proverbs 17:17.


Relief workers rebuilt the home of Brother Welosi Mbendera and his wife, Sister Esinala Mbendera, from the Nkolong’onjo Congregation in Malawi

Brother Nehemiah Tigere and his wife, Sister Fatima Sengami Tigere, standing in front of their rebuilt house in Zimbabwe

Brother Witness Jabu and Brother Augustine Kamadzi, who serve as circuit overseers, making a shepherding visit on a Witness family whose house was damaged in Nchalo, Malawi

Brothers at the Chimoio relief center unloading corn seed that will be distributed to the brothers in Mozambique

Brothers about to cross the Shire River by canoes to deliver relief supplies to their brothers in Mozambique who live near the border

Brothers and sisters transporting relief supplies received from the brothers in Malawi to the Kingdom Hall distribution center in Tengani Village, Mozambique

Brothers and sisters at the Kingdom Hall in Tengani Village, Mozambique, receiving relief supplies