MARCH 28, 2023

Cyclone Freddy Causes Devastation in East Africa

Cyclone Freddy Causes Devastation in East Africa

East Africa was recently struck by Cyclone Freddy, one of the longest-lasting tropical cyclones on record. After developing in early February 2023, it made multiple landfalls. On February 21, 2023, it struck Madagascar and then crossed the Mozambique Channel several days later, hitting Mozambique and Malawi. The storm continued to grow and made a second landfall in Mozambique on March 11, 2023. Multiple provinces in Madagascar, Malawi, and Mozambique have been affected. In these areas, strong winds and heavy rains have caused flooding and have damaged homes, resulting in over 500 deaths, including several of our brothers and sisters. Thousands have also been displaced.

As of March 27, 2023, the following totals have been reported. These statistics are based on confirmed reports from the local brothers. However, the actual numbers may be different, since the brothers are still assessing the damage in difficult-to-reach areas.

Effect on Our Brothers and Sisters


  • 256 publishers and other members of their households have been displaced

  • 8 homes were destroyed

  • 29 homes were damaged

  • 3 Kingdom Halls were damaged


  • Sadly, 8 publishers were killed and 6 are currently missing

  • 3 publishers were injured

  • At least 4,300 publishers and other members of their households have been displaced

  • 821 homes were destroyed

  • 174 homes were damaged

  • 20 Kingdom Halls were damaged


  • Sadly, 1 publisher was killed and 1 is currently missing

  • 880 publishers and other members of their households have been displaced

  • 248 homes were destroyed

  • 185 homes were damaged

  • 7 Kingdom Halls were damaged

Relief Efforts

  • Many affected areas are still inaccessible

  • Disaster Relief Committees are providing shelter, food, water, and supplies to those affected

  • A Branch Committee member encourages a group of displaced brothers and sisters near Chókwè, Mozambique

    In Mozambique, a camp was set up in the province of Gaza to provide temporary shelter for 167 publishers and family members who had taken refuge at an Assembly Hall. Hundreds more have been housed in Kingdom Halls and private homes throughout the region

  • At least 16 homes have already been repaired

  • Branch Committee members, circuit overseers, and local elders are visiting families to assess their needs and provide comfort

Even in these challenging circumstances, the affected brothers and sisters continue to hold meetings where possible and to encourage one another. We are confident that Jehovah will give them the “power beyond what is normal” to help them endure.—2 Corinthians 4:7.