NOVEMBER 29, 2023

Kingdom Message Reaches People Worldwide During September 2023 Campaign

Kingdom Message Reaches People Worldwide During September 2023 Campaign

In September 2023, Jehovah’s Witnesses all over the world participated in a special preaching campaign publicizing God’s Kingdom. The Watchtower No. 2 2020, entitled “What Is God’s Kingdom?,” was featured. a The following experiences illustrate the impact this campaign had on people earth wide.


During the campaign, Mark and his ten-year-old son, Flynn, from Southport, England, met a middle-aged woman at their first door. The woman excitedly took The Watchtower out of Mark’s hands and, referring to the question on the cover, exclaimed: “I can’t believe you came today! I need the answer to this question now more than ever.” She tearfully explained that her son had recently passed away and she was looking for comfort. Immediately, Mark shared with her the Kingdom promise of a resurrection. She was deeply moved and requested more information. When Mark and Flynn returned, the woman and her husband readily accepted the Enjoy Life Forever! brochure and a Bible study was started.


While in line at a medical center in Indonesia, a brother named Frederick struck up a conversation with a man waiting with his son. Eventually, Frederick shared the Bible’s promise that infirmities and suffering will soon be a thing of the past. After inviting the father to read Jesus’ words concerning God’s Kingdom at Matthew 6:9, 10, Frederick asked him: “So how will suffering be eliminated?” The man correctly replied: “By means of God and his Kingdom.” Then the man asked what God’s Kingdom is, but at that moment, the son’s name was called for his appointment and they had to leave. Frederick quickly gave his address and a copy of The Watchtower to the man. To Frederick’s surprise, the very next morning, the boy’s father and mother showed up at his front door wanting to know more about the benefits of God’s Kingdom. Frederick happily made arrangements to continue the discussion.


In Malawi, two sisters offered a local village chief The Watchtower and explained how God’s Kingdom will soon rule over the entire earth. The chief asked: “Does that mean that someday I will lose my kingdom?” After being shown why God’s Kingdom is the only solution to mankind’s problems, the chief reasoned: “This is good news. I am a chief, but even I recognize that chiefs will never be able to do the things that God’s Kingdom will do for people everywhere.” The chief then requested five additional copies of The Watchtower to share with other village chiefs. He also said that he looked forward to having further Bible discussions in the future.


While riding the bus in Puebla, Mexico, one sister asked an older man if she could share a message of hope with him. The man agreed, so she read Jesus’ words about God’s Kingdom at Matthew 6:9, 10. The man asked: “What is God’s Kingdom? I have never read the Bible or talked to Jehovah’s Witnesses before.” Our sister answered his question by showing him The Watchtower on her mobile device. The man began asking even more questions, so our sister explained how he could use the JW Library app to find the answers. Discovering he had very little storage space remaining on his device, he began deleting things and said: “Learning about God’s Kingdom is more important.” By the end of the bus ride, he had finished reading the entire Watchtower, discussed the first lesson in the Enjoy Life Forever! brochure, and agreed to a Bible study. He thanked our sister repeatedly and expressed a desire to attend meetings at the Kingdom Hall.

New Zealand

While going from house to house in New Zealand, a brother named Ben explained to a young mother that God’s Kingdom will soon bring relief to all those suffering distress. She exclaimed: “It’s amazing that you’re here! Last night, I struggled to sleep because I had so much anxiety about the future.” Tears began running down her face as Ben read Revelation 21:4 and explained how the Kingdom will put an end to sickness and death. She gladly accepted The Watchtower and said she was eager to read it and learn more.

South Sudan

In a refugee camp in South Sudan, many were eager to learn more about God’s Kingdom. In fact, in just two hours, nearly 1,000 publications, including The Watchtower, were distributed. One of the refugees expressed: “You came at just the right time. This is exactly what we needed!” Another refugee told our brothers: “Thank you so much for thinking about us. We know you are coming from far away, but please come back again.”


Two sisters in Taiwan met a man who was distressed over the recent fires in Hawaii. One of the sisters showed him a picture in The Watchtower depicting the future Paradise on earth. He commented: “It would be a wonderful thing if the earth could be like this picture. In a world full of bad news, it’s so nice to hear this comforting message of hope.”

How privileged we all were to participate in this worldwide campaign and share with people everywhere the source of true comfort and hope, God’s Kingdom.—Romans 15:4.

Below is a photo gallery of our brothers and sisters from several countries joyfully sharing in the worldwide preaching campaign.

a In this article, each mention of The Watchtower is referring to The Watchtower No. 2 2020.


Burkina Faso

Costa Rica







New Zealand




South Korea


